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Zagranica 2009Kalendarz spotkań naukowych 20th Anniversary Congress of ESPU 06-09.05.2009 Amsterdam, Holandia www.espu2009.com 6th Annual Baltic Meeting 05.06.2009 Druskienniki, Litwa www.lud.lt 19th World Congress of Sexual Heald 21-25.06.2009 Geteborg, Szwecja contact@sexo-getebirg-2009.com www.lud.lt 3rd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine. Venue: Palais des Congres 10-13.07.2009 Paryż, Francja www.icsm2009.org 3rd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine. 20th Video Urology World Congress in conjunction with the 18th Malaysian Urological Conference 24-26.07.2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malezja www. videourology2009.com 2nd ISSAM European Congress on the Aging Male 03-05.09.2009 Budapeszt, Węgry aging@kenes.com www.2.kenes.com/aging/pages/ NorthEasternEuropean Meeting 11-12.09.2009 Szczecin, Polska neem2009@congressconsultationts.com 61st Annual Congress of the German Society of Urology (DGU) 16-19.09.2009 Drezno, Niemcy www.urologenportal.de 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society 30.09-04.10.2009 San Francisco, CA, USA www.icsoffice.org 27th World Congress of Endourology and SWL 06-10.10.2009 Monachium, Niemcy tel.: 49-210296920 beate.ruloff@ruloff.de www.icsoffice.org 30th Congress of the SIU 01-05.11.2009 Szanghaj, Chiny www.siucongress.org Annual Meeting of the Association Française d?Urologie (AFU) 18-21.11.2009 Paryż, Francja www.siucongress.org 2nd European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers (EMUC) 27-29.11.2009 Barcelona, Hiszpania www.emucbarcelona2009.org |