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Pęcherz nadreaktywny i naglące nietrzymanie moczu - choroba jednostki czy choroba społeczeństwa. Etiologia i leczenie

We are only as sick as our secrets

Niewiele schorzeń budzi u pacjentów uczucie zażenowania w stopniu porównywalnym do nietrzymania moczu, a powyższe motto, będące hasłem przewodnim amerykańskich grup wsparcia, celnie ilustruje ich sytuację. Stosownie do definicji podanej przez International Continence Society (ICS) nietrzymanie moczu to stan, w którym niezależny od woli wyciek moczu jest źródłem istotnych dla chorego problemów higienicznych i socjalnych [1]. Pomimo znacznej dokuczliwości nietrzymania moczu, większość pacjentów godzi się z pogorszeniem jakości życia i ogranicza swą aktywność. Nietrzymanie moczu zyskało miano "choroby przeżywanej w skrytości" (closet disorder), a jedna z jego postaci jest elementem zespołu nadreaktywnego pęcherza (overactive bladder - OAB). W przebiegu OAB zwykle stopniowe nasilenie dolegliwości prowadzi do zmiany stylu życia, pacjenci ograniczają ilość przyjmowanych płynów, starają się nie oddalać od miejsca zamieszkania lub pozostawać w pobliżu toalet [2, 3, 4, 5]. Dwie trzecie pacjentów przyznaje, że jakość ich życia uległa istotnemu pogorszeniu. Wyniki kwestionariuszy oceny jakości życia (quality of life - QoL) pacjentów wykazują, że obniżenie to jest większe niż spadek QoL u chorych z cukrzycą, astmą czy innymi chorobami przewlekłymi [6]. Jedynie objawy choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów (arthritis) przewyższają częstość objawów nadreaktywności pęcherza [3]. Jest to także jeden z czynników decydujących o przeniesieniu chorych do domów opieki. W USA blisko połowa mieszkańców tych ośrodków ma objawy naglącego nietrzymania moczu [7, 8].

Jak wykazały analizy socjologiczne, nawet w najwyżej rozwiniętych krajach tylko jedna trzecia pacjentów potrafi zwierzyć się z tego problemu lekarzowi, a dwie trzecie szuka pomocy po więcej niż dwu latach trwania dolegliwości. Przyczyną takiego stanu, oprócz niesłusznego uczucia wstydu, jest wiązanie zaburzeń z procesem starzenia oraz mylne przekonanie, że skoro nie dochodzi do uszkodzenia organizmu, leczenie nie jest potrzebne lub jest nieskuteczne [9, 10, 11]. Niestety, pogląd ten spotkać można także wśród części przedstawicieli środowiska medycznego. Tylko 50% pacjentów zwierzających się lekarzowi z trudności w utrzymaniu moczu otrzymuje leczenie farmakologiczne, a jedynie połowa z nich je kontynuuje [2]. Zagadnienie diagnostyki i leczenia różnych postaci nietrzymania moczu będzie narastać, gdyż dotyka znacznego odsetka ludzkości. Szacunkowe dane wskazują, że dotyczy ok. 200 mln ludzi, w tym 7% populacji poniżej 5. r.ż, 1,4% w wieku 15-24 lat i 2,9% w wieku 55-64 lat [12].

Mimowolny wyciek moczu to efekt kilku, często niezwiązanych ze sobą przyczyn i stosownie do nich zostało wyróżnionych pięć głównych postaci tego stanu [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21].

1. Wysiłkowe nietrzymanie moczu - do wycieku moczu dochodzi na skutek niewydolności zwieraczy cewki moczowej i/lub osłabienia mięśni dna miednicy stanowiących podporę pęcherza moczowego. W tej sytuacji nawet niewielki wzrost ciśnienia w jamie brzusznej nie jest równoważony przez mechanizm zwieraczowy i prowadzi do niekontrolowanego wycieku moczu.

2. Nietrzymanie moczu z przepełnienia - do wycieku moczu dochodzi w sytuacji, gdy znaczna ilość moczu przekracza maksymalną pojemność pęcherza moczowego i jego ciśnienie powoduje "przelewanie" moczu przez cewkę moczową. Sytuacja ma miejsce, gdy na skutek przeszkody podpęcherzowej (np. przerost stercza) lub zaburzeń neurologicznych (np. pęcherz neurogenny po urazie rdzenia kręgowego) pęcherz moczowy nie opróżnia się całkowicie w trakcie mikcji, wskutek czego pozostaje w nim niedostateczna wolna objętość dla kolejnych napływających porcji moczu. Zmiany wsteczne w ścianie pęcherza, do których dochodzi na skutek przeszkody podpęcherzowej, prowadzą do nadaktywności wypieracza przy spadku podatności jego ścian.

3. Funkcjonalne nietrzymanie moczu - występuje w sytuacji, gdy z przyczyn fizycznych, psychicznych lub socjalnych pacjent nie ma dostępu do toalety, np. jest długotrwale unieruchomiony.

4. Naglące nietrzymanie moczu - wywołane autonomicznymi, niezależnymi od woli skurczami pęcherza na skutek nadmiernej aktywności jego mięśni gładkich (m. wypieracza). Pacjent odczuwa silną i niepohamowaną potrzebę oddania moczu, często niewspółmierną do stopnia wypełnienia pęcherza. Nadaktywność wypieracza może towarzyszyć patologiom pęcherza moczowego (kamica, zakażenia) lub schorzeniom centralnego układu nerwowego. W części przypadków nie można ustalić przyczyn opisywanego objawu. Naglącemu nietrzymaniu moczu może towarzyszyć częste oddawanie moczu w dzień i w nocy oraz stałe uczucie parcia na mocz niezależnie od wypełnienia pęcherza, ujęte przez ICS jako zespół nadreaktywnego pęcherza.

5. Postać mieszana - łącząca w sobie przyczyny i cechy wysiłkowego oraz naglącego nietrzymania moczu.

Oprócz opisanej w pkt. 4 (i częściowo w pkt. 5) postaci nietrzymania moczu, w każdej można ustalić pierwotną przyczynę i w mniejszym lub większym stopniu ją usunąć. Niestety, pomimo postępu neurofizjologiiilepszegopoznaniaanatomiidrógmoczowychnieustalono podłoża naglącego nietrzymania moczu. Pewne światło na istotę choroby rzucają wyniki badań klinicznych. Jej częstość wzrasta z wiekiem, po 75. r.ż. 58% mężczyzn i 68,7% kobiet podaje kłopoty z utrzymaniem moczu [2]. U kobiet 49% przypadków nietrzymania moczu to postać wysiłkowa, 22% postać nagląca, a 29% postać mieszana. Z kolei u mężczyzn 73% przypadków nietrzymania moczu to postać nagląca, 19% mieszana, a tylko 8% wysiłkowa [11, 22]. Objawy pęcherza nadreaktywnego występują w niemal równym stopniu u obu płci, tj. u 15,6% mężczyzn i 17,4% kobiet. Wykazano też, że u 45% pacjentów z naglącym nietrzymaniem moczu dodatkowo występują cechy wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu [3].

Epidemiologia zespołu pęcherza nadreaktywnego w świetle badań klinicznych

Pomimo rosnącej w ostatnich latach liczby publikacji dotyczących czynnościowych zaburzeń dolnych dróg moczowych, zagadnienie nieprawidłowej i nadmiernej aktywności skurczowej pęcherza nie jest nowe. Już w 1921 roku H. Young i D. Davies opisali objawy odpowiadające dzisiejszemu zespołowi pęcherza nadreaktywnego (overactive bladder - OAB). W późniejszych latach C. Hodgkinson, M. Ayers i B. Drukker nazywali taki stan niestabilnością wypieracza (detrusor instability) i zaproponowali użycie badań urodynamicznych celem jego diagnostyki [23, 24]. Dopiero w roku 1997 P. Abrams i A. Wein zaproponowali obecnie przyjętą przez International Continence Society (ICS) definicję charakterystycznych dolegliwości ze strony dolnych dróg moczowych jako zespół pęcherza nadreaktywnego [23]. Zespół pęcherza nadreaktywnego (OAB) to wzmożone, uporczywe, często nagłe, niewspółmierne do wypełnienia pęcherza odczucie potrzeby oddania moczu (parcie naglące), częste oddawanie moczu w ciągu dnia (frequency) i nocy (nocturia), czasami z towarzyszącym naglącym nietrzymaniem moczu (urge incontinence). Zgodnie z kryteriami ICS częstomocz dzienny to więcej niż 8 mikcji w ciągu doby lub stan, gdy okres pomiędzy poszczególnymi mikcjami jest krótszy niż 2 godziny [23, 25]. Z kolei częstomocz nocny to stan, gdy w ciągu nocy dochodzi do więcej niż 3 mikcji. Objawy te mogą wystąpić wtórnie w przebiegu wielu schorzeń dolnych dróg moczowych, jak kamica, nowotwór, zakażenie, przerost gruczołu krokowego, schorzeń neurologicznych prowadzących do upośledzenia ośrodkowego hamowania kurczliwości mięśnia wypieracza pęcherza (tzw. detrusor hyperreflexia), schorzeń ogólnoustrojowych, jak cukrzyca i zaburzenia hormonalne oraz jako uboczny efekt niektórych leków (preparaty moczopędne, opiaty) [6, 23, 26, 27, 28]. Zgodnie z zaleceniami ICS rozpoznanie samej nadreaktywności wypieracza (czyli reakcji mięśni pęcherza na czynnik zewnętrzny) wymaga potwierdzenia badaniem urodynamicznym, natomiast rozpoznanie zespołu pęcherza nadreaktywnego oparte jest na stwierdzeniu w/w objawów klinicznych po wykluczeniu uchwytnych przyczyn (anatomicznych, metabolicznych) podanej wyżej triady objawów [2, 18, 29, 30]. W zespole pęcherza nadreaktywnego do skurczu pęcherza dochodzi już we wczesnej fazie jego wypełniania.

Skurcze te występują spontanicznie i u części pacjentów prowadzą do wspomnianego naglącego nietrzymania moczu [18, 23]. Naglące nietrzymanie moczu to mimowolny, niemożliwy do zatrzymania jego wypływ występujący krótko po odczuciu parcia w okolicy pęcherza. Wywołane jest nieadekwatnym do stopnia wypełnienia pęcherza skurczem wypieracza. Objawy pęcherza nadreaktywnego (częstomocz, parcia naglące, naglące nietrzymanie moczu) mogą występować łącznie lub w różnych kombinacjach. Częstość ich występowania analizowano w kilku badaniach klinicznych. Jedno z nich, przeprowadzone metodą ankietową, objęło 16 776 kobiet i mężczyzn powyżej 40. r.ż. z Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Hiszpanii, Włoch, Niemiec i Szwecji. 16,6% ankietowanych podało przynajmniej jeden z objawów OAB zgodnych z kryteriami ICS i zostało zakwalifikowanych jako chorzy; najczęstszym objawem był częstomocz, zgłaszany przez 85% chorych, parcia naglące podawało 54%, a nietrzymanie moczu 36% chorych. U połowy chorych dolegliwości utrzymywały się dłużej niż 3 lata. Tylko 60% z nich szukało porady lekarskiej, jedynie 27% było leczonych [2]. Pacjenci zgłaszali się do lekarza głównie z powodu naglącego nietrzymania moczu, a przeciętny okres trwania objawów wynosił 8,5 lat. Po 3 miesiącach od rozpoczęcia leczenia liczba używanych podkładek spadła o jedną czwartą, natomiast w tym samym czasie u nie leczonych wzrosła o 135% [2, 31, 32].

Zbliżone dane uzyskano podczas ankietowego badania TheNational Overactive Bladder Evaluation (NOBLE), przeprowadzonego w USA wśród 11 740 osób [29]. Ze względu na niestałą liczbę objawów i różny stopień ich dokuczliwości wyodrębniono dwie postaci OAB: bez nietrzymania moczu oraz z nietrzymaniem moczu ("dry" i "wet" patients). Do pierwszej grupy zaliczono osoby, u których parcia naglące wystąpiły przynajmniej 4-krotnie w ciągu miesiąca, liczba mikcji w ciągu dnia przekroczyła 8, a charakter dolegliwości wymusił zmianę dotychczasowego trybu życia i ograniczenie aktywności. Druga grupa objęła osoby, u których dodatkowo wystąpiły co najmniej 3 epizody wycieku moczu związane z parciem naglącym i u których wykluczono wysiłkowe lub inne typy nietrzymania moczu. Wbrew do niedawna rozpowszechnionemu poglądowi, iż OAB występuje głównie, lub tylko, u kobiet, jak w badaniu poprzednim wykazano, że w równym stopniu dotyka niezależnie od wieku przedstawicieli obu płci, choć naglące nietrzymanie moczu jest częstsze u kobiet. Statystyki wykazują, że pomimo zbliżonej częstości występowania nadreaktywności pęcherza u obu płci, stosunek leczonych z tego powodu kobiet do leczonych mężczyzn wynosi 4:1.

OAB rozpoznano u 16,9% kobiet, z których 55% zakwalifikowano do drugiej grupy. W tym spośród pacjentek w wieku 20-45 lat 11,9% podawało objawy OAB bez nietrzymania moczu, a 15,3% z nietrzymaniem. Częstość naglącego nietrzymania moczu rosła z wiekiem pacjentek, poczynając od 35. roku życia. [8]. Wśród mężczyzn OAB rozpoznano u 16% ankietowanych, z których jedynie 16% zaliczono do grupy z nietrzymaniem moczu; byli to pacjenci po 65. roku życia [3, 23]. Częstsze występowanie postaci "wet" wśród kobiet można tłumaczyć odmienną anatomią oraz zmianami w mięśniach dna miednicy związanymi z wiekiem oraz przebytymi ciążami i porodami. Istotnego udziału czynnika "mięśniowego" dowodzi większy odsetek przypadków naglącego nietrzymania moczu u otyłych pacjentek. W badaniu NOBLE nadaktywność pęcherza z nietrzymaniem moczu występowała ponad dwukrotnie częściej u kobiet z BMI >30 w porównaniu do pacjentek z BMI<24. Inne badania kliniczne potwierdziły te obserwacje. Co więcej, okazało się, że jedynie 23% pacjentów z BMI >30 nie podaje żadnego z objawów nadreaktywności pęcherza [33, 34, 35].

Oba cytowane badania kliniczne dotyczyły dwu odrębnych pod pewnymi względami populacji: "amerykańskiej" i "europejskiej". Zarzut ten nie dotyczy kolejnej analizy. Badanie EPIC objęło 19 000 uczestników w wieku powyżej 18 lat z Kanady, Niemiec, Wielkiej Brytanii, Szwecji Włoch. U 11,8% badanych wykazano objawy OAB i nie stwierdzono różnic w ich występowaniu u obu płci [36]. Wysoki odsetek występowania nadreaktywności pęcherza podany w wyżej cytowanych badaniach może budzić pewne zastrzeżenia. Najmniej wątpliwości budzi z pewnością zgłaszanie przez badane osoby objawów naglącego nietrzymania moczu. Natomiast częstomocz dzienny, na podstawie którego zakwalifikowano największą grupę osób, obarczony jest w dużym stopniu subiektywnością. Trudno w tym przypadku wykluczyć czynniki związane ze zwyczajami danych osób, jak przyjmowanie dużych ilości płynów czy spożycie popularnych napojów zawierających kofeinę. Wśród chorych zgłaszających objawy pęcherza nadreaktywnego znamienny jest wysoki odsetek osób z zaburzeniami depresyjnymi. Jak dowodzi codzienna praktyka, czasami trudno w takich sytuacjach ocenić, które objawy są pierwotne, a które wtórne. Po upływie kilku lat od ogłoszenia wyników wyżej omówionych badań opublikowano rezultaty analiz przeprowadzonych w Finlandii. Jak poprzednio, częstość występowania objawów pęcherza nadreaktywnego analizowano za pomocą ankiet kierowanych do 6000 osób w wieku 18-79 lat. Odpowiedzi uzyskano od 62,4% z nich. Tylko 8% respondentów zakwalifikowano jako osoby z nadreaktywnością pęcherza moczowego. Wśród mężczyzn 6,5% podało objawy nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego, a po wykluczeniu pacjentów z przerostem gruczołu krokowego odsetek ten zmalał do 5,6%. Z tej grupy 11% zgłaszało naglące nietrzymanie moczu, 23% częstomocz, a 56% nocne oddawanie moczu. Wśród kobiet 9,3% ankietowanych podawało objawy OAB zgodne z kryteriami ICS, z czego naglące nietrzymanie moczu 27%, częstomocz dzienny 38% i 40% częstomocz nocny. Autorzy badania słusznie wskazują, że subiektywność kryteriów oraz ukierunkowany dobór ankietowanych osób (powyżej 40. r.ż.) poprzednich badań wpływały na zawyżenie częstości występowania OAB w populacji [37]. Być może pewne światło na publikowane statystyki rzucą informacje podane w części dotyczącej ekonomicznych uwarunkowań OAB. Czynniki etiologiczne nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego Przyczyny nadreaktywności pęcherza nie zostały poznane. Pod uwagę brane są zaburzenia neurologiczne związane z centralnym i obwodowym układem nerwowym, zmiany w dolnych drogach moczowych (np. przeszkoda podpęcherzowa, przyczyny mięśniopochodne w wypieraczu), styl życia (siedzący tryb życia, otyłość, dieta - alkohol, kofeina, palenie tytoniu). Podkreślany jest istotny związek czynników psychogennych z nadreaktywnością pęcherza oraz częste współwystępowanie zaburzeń socjologicznych i psychologicznych, zaburzeń snu, lecz trudno ocenić, czy jest to zjawisko wtórne w stosunku do długotrwałych dolegliwości pęcherzowych, czy też mają one wspólne podłoże. Objawy OAB występują 3-krotnie częściej wśród cierpiących na depresję [38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]. Wiele badań wykazało, że ryzyko wystąpienia OAB u kobiet otyłych jest 2-krotnie wyższe w porównaniu do kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała, natomiast nie wykazano tej zależności u mężczyzn [3, 46]. Pod uwagę brane są także zmiany neurologiczne analogiczne do objawów pęcherzowych występujących u pacjentów po urazach rdzenia kręgowego lub w przebiegu stwardnienia rozsianego, gdzie dochodzi do nadreaktywności wypieracza przy zmianach powyżej segmentu S2-S4, lub uszkodzeniach mózgu po wylewach, urazach, w chorobie Parkinsona, gdy uszkodzony jest hamujący wpływ ośrodków mózgowych [46, 47, 48, 49]. Najprawdopodobniej, jak w wielu innych schorzeniach, etiologia jest złożona i zespół pęcherza nadreaktywnego jest końcowym wynikiem szeregu odmiennych i nie związanych ze sobą patologii. U podłoża zespołu OAB leżą dwa zjawiska: parcia naglące (wzmożona wrażliwość pęcherza powodująca uczucie potrzeby oddania moczu nawet przy niewielkim wypełnieniu - sensory urgency) oraz nadaktywność wypieracza (skurcze mięśni gładkich wypieracza już podczas wstępnej fazy wypełniania pęcherza) [23]. U pacjentów z nadreaktywnością pęcherza skurcz wypieracza jest niezależny od wypełnienia pęcherza i wymyka się świadomej kontroli - pęcherz staje się nadaktywny. Przyczyny tego zjawiska leżą w mięśniach gładkich pęcherza moczowego (przyczyny miogenne), nieprawidłowościach funkcjonowania włókien nerwowych i ich zakończeń oraz w samym centralnym układzie nerwowym (przyczyny neurogenne). W prawidłowych warunkach opróżnianie pęcherza podlega świadomej kontroli. Przeciętnie, maksymalna objętość pęcherza wynosi 400-600 ml, a odczucie potrzeby mikcji pojawia się dopiero przy wypełnieniu dwóch trzecich tej objętości. W trakcie stopniowego napływu moczu do pęcherza wypieracz ulega zwiotczeniu, a pasma mięśniowe zgrupowane wokół jego szyi oraz cewki moczowej pozostają w stanie stałego skurczu dzięki pobudzeniu przez współczulne włókna nerwowe wychodzące z segmentów Th11-L2 rdzenia kręgowego. Mikcja wymaga koordynacji szeregu zdarzeń zachodzących w obrębie mózgu, rdzenia kręgowego, obwodowego układu nerwowego i dolnych dróg moczowych. W prawidłowych warunkach pęcherz moczowy pozwala na stopniowe gromadzenie moczu bez znacznego wzrostu ciśnienia wewnątrzpęcherzowego. Wypływ moczu (mikcja) jest świadomym aktem zachodzącym pod kontrolą danej osoby - zwieracze cewki moczowej zmniejszają swe napięcie i następuje skurcz wypieracza. Do opróżnienia pęcherza dochodzi dzięki sygnałom z układu przywspółczulnego przekazywanym przez włókna nerwowe z segmentów S2-S4 rdzenia kręgowego, poprzez splot krzyżowy unerwiający dolne drogi moczowe i mięśnie dna miednicy. Powodują one skurcz wypieracza, zwiotczenie szyi pęcherza, zwieraczy cewki moczowej i mięśni dna miednicy. Jednak nawet po maksymalnym wypełnieniu pęcherza skurcz wypieracza może być zahamowany przez zależne od woli sygnały z kory mózgowej. Świadomie zwiększamy także napięcie zewnętrznego zwieracza cewki moczowej. Upośledzenie hamującego wpływu centralnego układu nerwowego zwiększa autonomię mięśni dolnych dróg moczowych, czego wyrazem jest przewaga napięcia nad zwiotczeniem włókien. Dowodzi tego częste występowanie naglącego nietrzymania moczu u kobiet po histerektomii (wiążącej się z uszkodzeniem nerwów miednicznych) [50, 51]. Cukrzyca insulinozależna, której częstym powikłaniem są zmiany zało się, że jedynie 23% pacjentów z BMI >30 nie podaje żadnego z objawów nadreaktywności pęcherza [33, 34, 35].

Oba cytowane badania kliniczne dotyczyły dwu odrębnych pod pewnymi względami populacji: "amerykańskiej" i "europejskiej". Zarzut ten nie dotyczy kolejnej analizy. Badanie EPIC objęło 19 000 uczestników w wieku powyżej 18 lat z Kanady, Niemiec, Wielkiej Brytanii, Szwecji Włoch. U 11,8% badanych wykazano objawy OAB i nie stwierdzono różnic w ich występowaniu u obu płci [36].

Wysoki odsetek występowania nadreaktywności pęcherza podany w wyżej cytowanych badaniach może budzić pewne zastrzeżenia. Najmniej wątpliwości budzi z pewnością zgłaszanie przez badane osoby objawów naglącego nietrzymania moczu. Natomiast częstomocz dzienny, na podstawie którego zakwalifikowano największą grupę osób, obarczony jest w dużym stopniu subiektywnością. Trudno w tym przypadku wykluczyć czynniki związane ze zwyczajami danych osób, jak przyjmowanie dużych ilości płynów czy spożycie popularnych napojów zawierających kofeinę. Wśród chorych zgłaszających objawy pęcherza nadreaktywnego znamienny jest wysoki odsetek osób z zaburzeniami depresyjnymi. Jak dowodzi codzienna praktyka, czasami trudno w takich sytuacjach ocenić, które objawy są pierwotne, a które wtórne.

Po upływie kilku lat od ogłoszenia wyników wyżej omówionych badań opublikowano rezultaty analiz przeprowadzonych w Finlandii. Jak poprzednio, częstość występowania objawów pęcherza nadreaktywnego analizowano za pomocą ankiet kierowanych do 6000 osób w wieku 18-79 lat. Odpowiedzi uzyskano od 62,4% z nich. Tylko 8% respondentów zakwalifikowano jako osoby z nadreaktywnością pęcherza moczowego. Wśród mężczyzn 6,5% podało objawy nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego, a po wykluczeniu pacjentów z przerostem gruczołu krokowego odsetek ten zmalał do 5,6%. Z tej grupy 11% zgłaszało naglące nietrzymanie moczu, 23% częstomocz, a 56% nocne oddawanie moczu. Wśród kobiet 9,3% ankietowanych podawało objawy OAB zgodne z kryteriami ICS, z czego naglące nietrzymanie moczu 27%, częstomocz dzienny 38% i 40% częstomocz nocny.

Autorzy badania słusznie wskazują, że subiektywność kryteriów oraz ukierunkowany dobór ankietowanych osób (powyżej 40. r.ż.) poprzednich badań wpływały na zawyżenie częstości występowania OAB w populacji [37]. Być może pewne światło na publikowane statystyki rzucą informacje podane w części dotyczącej ekonomicznych uwarunkowań OAB.

Czynniki etiologiczne nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego

Przyczyny nadreaktywności pęcherza nie zostały poznane. Pod uwagę brane są zaburzenia neurologiczne związane z centralnym i obwodowym układem nerwowym, zmiany w dolnych drogach moczowych (np. przeszkoda podpęcherzowa, przyczyny mięśniopochodne w wypieraczu), styl życia (siedzący tryb życia, otyłość, dieta - alkohol, kofeina, palenie tytoniu). Podkreślany jest istotny związek czynników psychogennych z nadreaktywnością pęcherza oraz częste współwystępowanie zaburzeń socjologicznych i psychologicznych, zaburzeń snu, lecz trudno ocenić, czy jest to zjawisko wtórne w stosunku do długotrwałych dolegliwości pęcherzowych, czy też mają one wspólne podłoże. Objawy OAB występują 3-krotnie częściej wśród cierpiących na depresję [38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]. Wiele badań wykazało, że ryzyko wystąpienia OAB u kobiet otyłych jest 2-krotnie wyższe w porównaniu do kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała, natomiast nie wykazano tej zależności u mężczyzn [3, 46]. Pod uwagę brane są także zmiany neurologiczne analogiczne do objawów pęcherzowych występujących u pacjentów po urazach rdzenia kręgowego lub w przebiegu stwardnienia rozsianego, gdzie dochodzi do nadreaktywności wypieracza przy zmianach powyżej segmentu S2-S4, lub uszkodzeniach mózgu po wylewach, urazach, w chorobie Parkinsona, gdy uszkodzony jest hamujący wpływ ośrodków mózgowych [46, 47, 48, 49]. Najprawdopodobniej, jak w wielu innych schorzeniach, etiologia jest złożona i zespół pęcherza nadreaktywnego jest końcowym wynikiem szeregu odmiennych i nie związanych ze sobą patologii.

U podłoża zespołu OAB leżą dwa zjawiska: parcia naglące (wzmożona wrażliwość pęcherza powodująca uczucie potrzeby oddania moczu nawet przy niewielkim wypełnieniu - sensory urgency) oraz nadaktywność wypieracza (skurcze mięśni gładkich wypieracza już podczas wstępnej fazy wypełniania pęcherza) [23].

U pacjentów z nadreaktywnością pęcherza skurcz wypieracza jest niezależny od wypełnienia pęcherza i wymyka się świadomej kontroli - pęcherz staje się nadaktywny. Przyczyny tego zjawiska leżą w mięśniach gładkich pęcherza moczowego (przyczyny miogenne), nieprawidłowościach funkcjonowania włókien nerwowych i ich zakończeń oraz w samym centralnym układzie nerwowym (przyczyny neurogenne).

W prawidłowych warunkach opróżnianie pęcherza podlega świadomej kontroli. Przeciętnie, maksymalna objętość pęcherza wynosi 400-600 ml, a odczucie potrzeby mikcji pojawia się dopiero przy wypełnieniu dwóch trzecich tej objętości. W trakcie stopniowego napływu moczu do pęcherza wypieracz ulega zwiotczeniu, a pasma mięśniowe zgrupowane wokół jego szyi oraz cewki moczowej pozostają w stanie stałego skurczu dzięki pobudzeniu przez współczulne włókna nerwowe wychodzące z segmentów Th11-L2 rdzenia kręgowego. Mikcja wymaga koordynacji szeregu zdarzeń zachodzących w obrębie mózgu, rdzenia kręgowego, obwodowego układu nerwowego i dolnych dróg moczowych. W prawidłowych warunkach pęcherz moczowy pozwala na stopniowe gromadzenie moczu bez znacznego wzrostu ciśnienia wewnątrzpęcherzowego. Wypływ moczu (mikcja) jest świadomym aktem zachodzącym pod kontrolą danej osoby - zwieracze cewki moczowej zmniejszają swe napięcie i następuje skurcz wypieracza. Do opróżnienia pęcherza dochodzi dzięki sygnałom z układu przywspółczulnego przekazywanym przez włókna nerwowe z segmentów S2-S4 rdzenia kręgowego, poprzez splot krzyżowy unerwiający dolne drogi moczowe i mięśnie dna miednicy. Powodują one skurcz wypieracza, zwiotczenie szyi pęcherza, zwieraczy cewki moczowej i mięśni dna miednicy. Jednak nawet po maksymalnym wypełnieniu pęcherza skurcz wypieracza może być zahamowany przez zależne od woli sygnały z kory mózgowej. Świadomie zwiększamy także napięcie zewnętrznego zwieracza cewki moczowej. Upośledzenie hamującego wpływu centralnego układu nerwowego zwiększa autonomię mięśni dolnych dróg moczowych, czego wyrazem jest przewaga napięcia nad zwiotczeniem włókien. Dowodzi tego częste występowanie naglącego nietrzymania moczu u kobiet po histerektomii (wiążącej się z uszkodzeniem nerwów miednicznych) [50, 51]. Cukrzyca insulinozależna, której częstym powikłaniem są zmiany neurologiczne, jest jednym z czynników ryzyka rozwoju zespołu nadreaktywnego pęcherza.

Także na skutek długo trwającej przeszkody podpęcherzowej (np. przerost gruczołu krokowego, zwężenie cewki moczowej, choroba szyi pęcherza) dochodzi do zaburzeń czynności i struktury ściany pęcherza [52]. Przeszkoda taka prowadzi do wzrostu oporu cewkowego i ciśnienia wewnątrzpęcherzowego. Dochodzi do przerostu i przebudowy struktury mięśnia wypieracza, zmian w komórkach mięśniowych gładkich i połączeniach międzykomórkowych. Obniża się próg pobudliwości komórek mięśniowych z jednoczesnym wzrostem szybkości przekazywania sygnałów pomiędzy poszczególnymi włóknami. Nieprawidłowa aktywność komórek mięśniowych prowadzi do nieskoordynowanych i wzmożonych skurczów grup włókien wypieracza (micromotions), wzrostu częstotliwości mimowolnych skurczów wypieracza (bladder instability) i pobudzania receptorów czuciowych zlokalizowanych w ścianie pęcherza (aferentnych typu C). Rezultatem tych zjawisk są odczuwane przez pacjenta mimowolne skurcze wypieracza, parcia naglące oraz bolesność w okolicy pęcherza już we wczesnych fazach wypełniania. Izolowane zmiany w błonie mięśniowej również mogą prowadzić do wystąpienia objawów OAB. Miocyty gładkie wypieracza pobrane od osób chorych cechują się spontaniczną aktywnością skurczową, podwyższoną wrażliwością na mediatory, zmianami funkcjonowania błonowych kanałów wapniowych i potasowych. Wykazano, że średnia grubość ściany pęcherza moczowego u kobiet z nadreaktywnością pęcherza jest większa niż u kobiet z wysiłkowym nietrzymaniem moczu [53].

Do opisanych zaburzeń układu i funkcji włókien mięśniowych gładkich dołączają zmiany związane z wiekiem, wpływające na czynność pęcherza moczowego: wzrost ilości tkanki łącznej, niedokrwienie oraz u kobiet spadek poziomu estrogenów. Istotnej roli zaburzeń mięśni gładkich wypieracza w rozwoju nadreaktywności pęcherza dowodzi poprawa parametrów oddawania moczu oraz złagodzenie objawów związanych z przerostem stercza u pacjentów, u których oprócz standardowego leczenia blokerami receptorów alfa1-adrenergicznych dodatkowo włączono leki antycholinergiczne. Na przykład w wieloośrodkowym randomizowanym badaniu CombAT (Combination of Avodart and Tamsulosin) u pacjentów z przerostem gruczołu krokowego zastosowano dutasteryd oraz tamsulosynę. Po 24 miesiącach terapii łączonej uzyskano istotną statystycznie poprawę, redukcję objawów związanych z nad-reaktywnością wypieracza, objawów podrażnieniowych i spadek objętości moczu zalegającego w porównaniu do pacjentów stosujących monoterapię. Co więcej, w badaniu tym stwierdzono, że monoterapia lekiem antycholinergicznym była równie skuteczna jak monoterapia alfa-blokerem w łagodzeniu objawów związanych z przerostem gruczołu krokowego [54].

Szereg substancji neuroprzekaźnikowych, aktywnych w centralnym układzie nerwowym, wykazuje istotny wpływ na czynność dolnych dróg moczowych. Dominującym przekaźnikiem jest acetylocholina. Uwalniana z zakończeń nerwów przywspółczulnych za pośrednictwem receptorów muskarynowych (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5), powoduje szereg zmian wewnątrz komórek mięśniowych gładkich. Po ich pobudzeniu z magazynów w siateczce endoplazmatycznej zostają uwolnione jony wapnia, czego skutkiem jest skurcz włókien mięśniowych wypieracza. Zaburzenie czynności tych receptorów prowadzi do nadmiernej pobudliwości skurczowej, niewspółmiernej do stopnia stymulacji receptora i w efekcie do nieskoordynowanych skurczów poszczególnych włókien. Najważniejszymi dla czynności pęcherza moczowego rodzajami receptorów muskarynowych są podtypy M2 i M3. W warunkach prawidłowych przeważa podtyp M3, natomiast w nadreaktywności wypieracza stwierdzana jest wzmożona ekspresja receptora M2. Kolejnym istotnym przekaźnikiem jest dopamina, która poprzez oddziaływanie na receptory D1 zmniejsza aktywność wypieracza, a za pośrednictwem receptorów D2 pobudza jego skurcz. Na czynność pęcherza moczowego w większym lub mniejszym stopniu wpływa szereg innych neuroprzekaźników, np. serotonina (powodująca zwiotczenie mięśni) czy kwas glutaminowy (powodujący pobudzenie skurczów). Podkreślana jest też rola tlenku azotu (NO) w utrzymaniu prawidłowego napięcia włókien mięśniowych wypieracza, analogicznie do roli, jaką NO pełni w utrzymaniu prawidłowej czynności ciał jamistych. Oprócz czynników wewnątrzustrojowych na stan i czynność, w tym kurczliwość, ścian pęcherza moczowego wpływa środowisko zewnętrzne. Skład chemiczny moczu, z którym styka się nabłonek pęcherza moczowego, ulega zmianom zależnie od stopnia nawodnienia organizmu czy też przyjmowanych pokarmów. Jak w przypadku śródmiąższowego zapalenia pęcherza moczowego, wysokie stężenie jonów potasowych czy też kwaśny odczyn moczu powodują nasilenie objawów choroby. Prawdopodobną przyczyną tego zjawiska jest uwalnianie acetylocholiny bezpośrednio z nabłonka przejściowego i/lub nadmierna stymulacja zakończeń czuciowych zlokalizowanych w jego bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Oprócz tego urothelium uwalnia szereg innych przekaźników, jak ATP, NO [55, 56, 57, 58]. Część objawów ze strony dolnych dróg moczowych (LUTS) pojawiających się w przebiegu przerostu gruczołu krokowego przypomina objawy nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego. Stan taki występuje u 50-75% pacjentów z przeszkodą podpęcherzową [59]. Chory odczuwa parcia naglące, skarży się na częstomocz dzienny i nocny, częste jest naglące nietrzymanie moczu. Jednak mężczyźni, w przeciwieństwie do kobiet, rzadziej otrzymują odpowiednie leczenie.

Miejsce i rola badania urodynamicznego w diagnostyce pęcherza nadreaktywnego

W nowoczesnej urologii dysponujemy aparaturą do badań urodynamicznych i wideourodynamicznych, umożliwiającą badanie pęcherza moczowego w fazie wypełniania i opróżniania. Badanie urodynamiczne pozwala potwierdzić nadreaktywne skurcze wypieracza. Wówczas objawowe rozpoznanie pęcherza nadreaktywnego (OAB) zmienia się w rozpoznanie nadreaktywności wypieracza (OAD), czyli w obiektywnie stwierdzaną i potwierdzoną badaniem patologię. U 50% pacjentów z rozpoznaniem pęcherza nadreaktywnego obserwuje się później nadreaktywne skurcze wypieracza w badaniu urodynamicznym. Kwestia etapu, na którym badanie powinno być wykonane, nie jest rozstrzygnięta. Brak wytycznych dotyczących niezbędności badania urodynamicznego w procesie diagnostycznym u pacjentów z rozpoznanym pęcherzem nadreaktywnym.

Przed badaniem urodynamicznym należy wykluczyć infekcję dróg moczowych będącą przeciwwskazaniem do jego wykonania. Pacjent powinien być poinformowany o celu badania i ogólnym jego przebiegu, tak by nie budziło w nich strachu, a wynik był obiektywny. Lekarz prowadzący powinien kierować pacjenta do pracowni urodynamicznej z konkretnym pytaniem. Na badanie pacjent zgłasza się bez specjalnego przygotowania. Obowiązkowa jest higiena narządów płciowych i okolicy krocza. Ważne jest dostarczenie przez pacjenta dotychczasowej dokumentacji medycznej oraz informacji o przyjmowanych lekach, gdyż wiele z nich może wpływać na zaburzenia zarówno fazy wypełniania, jak i fazy wydalania. Badanie urodynamiczne powinno rozpoczynać się od spontanicznej urofluometrii, jednak wydaje się, że pominięcie tego etapu na korzyść wcześniejszego wykonania przynajmniej 2-3 badań urofluometrycznych i wybranie spośród nich najlepszego jest znacznie bardziej obiektywne. Podobnie należy postąpić z oceną zalegania moczu po mikcji spontanicznej.

Dobra praktyka urodynamiczna wymaga używania odpowiedniego mianownictwa stosownie do zaleceń ICS. Opis powinien być spójny z urodynamiczną klasyfikacją zaburzeń czynności dolnych dróg moczowych i zawierać odpowiedź na postawione przez lekarza kierującego pytanie oraz sugestię dotyczącą dalszego postępowania.

Badanie w fazie wypełniania (cystometria) pozwala na ocenę czynności wypieracza, czucia pęcherzowego, pojemności czynnościowej, podatności ścian i czynności cewki moczowej. Ten etap badania jest kluczowy dla rozpoznania pęcherza nadreaktywnego i nadreaktywności wypieracza. Jeżeli nie zaobserwowano nadreaktywnych skurczów wypieracza, wówczas mówimy o pęcherzu stabilnym. W przypadku stwierdzenia nadreaktywnych skurczów wypieracza możemy rozróżnić nadreaktywność fazową lub terminalną. Wzrost ciśnienia wypieracza odczuwany przez chorego jako parcie na mocz jest nazywany nadaktywnością wypieracza. Gdy u pacjenta stwierdza się odchylenia w badaniu neurologicznym, mówimy o nadreaktywności neurogennej, w przeciwnym wypadku rozpoznajemy postać idiopatyczną. Nadreaktywne skurcze wypieracza obserwuje się u pacjentów w przebiegu zaawansowanej przeszkody podpęcherzowej.

W drugim etapie badania urodynamicznego ocenie podlega faza wydalania (mikcji), podczas której istotne są panujące ciśnienia, czynność wypieracza, czynność cewki moczowej oraz synergia pomiędzy czynnością zwieracza i wypieracza. Również w tej części badania, zwłaszcza po zakończeniu mikcji, mogą wystąpić nadreaktywne skurcze wypieracza. Poniższe przykłady pochodzą ze zbiorów własnych i przedstawiają przypadki chorych, u których nadaktywność wypieracza potwierdzono badaniem urodynamicznym.

Przykład 1
Nadreaktywne skurcze fazowe w fazie wypełniania pęcherza moczowego u kobiety po urazie kręgosłupa leczonej wcześniej z powodu parć naglących i naglącego nietrzymania moczu.
Przykład 2
Nadreaktywne skurcze fazowe w fazie wypełniania pęcherza moczowego u znacznie otyłego mężczyzny chorującego na cukrzycę, leczonego z powodu mimowolnego nietrzymania moczu.
Przykład 3
Nadreaktywne skurcze fazowe w fazie wypełniania pęcherza moczowego u mężczyzny leczonego z powodu przerostu gruczołu krokowego z potwierdzoną również w tym badaniu przeszkodą podpęcherzową.
Przykład 4
Przykład terminalnej nadreaktywności wypieracza u mężczyzny z zaawansowaną przeszkodą podpęcherzową.
Przykład 5
Przykład terminalnej nadreaktywności wypieracza u mężczyzny z zaawansowaną przeszkodą podpęcherzową. W badaniu widoczna zmniejszona podatność ścian pęcherza moczowego.
Przykład 6
Przykład terminalnej nadreaktywności wypieracza u mężczyzny z nietrzymaniem moczu.
Przykład 7
Nadreaktywny skurcz wypieracza podczas fazy wydalania po zakończeniu mikcji z towarzyszącym nietrzymaniem moczu.

Badanie urodynamiczne pomaga w rozpoznaniu nadreaktywności wypieracza pęcherza moczowego. Jest niezbędne u chorych kwalifikowanych doleczenia operacyjnego, u pacjentów, u których dotychczasowe leczenie nie przyniosło poprawy oraz w przypadku schorzeń neurologicznych.

Możliwości terapii pęcherza nadreaktywnego

Pierwsza wizyta pacjenta cierpiącego na OAB u urologa z reguły ma charakterystyczny przebieg. Chory opisuje kilkuletni okres leczenia dolegliwości u lekarza rodzinnego, ogólnego lub lekarzy innych specjalności, poparty długą listą dotychczas przyjmowanych leków. Częstokroć pacjent "wypróbował" niemal wszystkie dostępne antybiotyki, gdyż, ze względu na objawy, dolegliwości traktowane były jako objaw zakażenia dolnych dróg moczowych. Niestety, także dla urologa leczenie nadreaktywności pęcherza nie jest łatwe i często po początkowym sukcesie następuje nawrót dolegliwości. W terapii OAB stosowane są trzy grupy metod leczenia: metody fizykalne, farmakoterapia przy użyciu różnych typów leków oraz metody chirurgiczne.

Metody fizykalne
Metody fizykalne obejmują tzw. terapię behawioralną, różne formy stymulacji mięśni dna miednicy oraz ćwiczenia fizyczne. W roku 1989 na konferencji poświęconej standardom leczenia nietrzymania moczu Agency for Health Care Policy and Research zaleciła stosowanie terapii behawioralnych jako leczenia pierwszego rzutu [60, 61]. W roku 2004 Third International Consultationon Incontinence podtrzymało tę rekomendację [62]. Metody behawioralne zalecane są w leczeniu pacjentów z miernie nasilonymi objawami. Polegają na wypracowaniu prawidłowych odruchów opróżniania pęcherza i przywróceniu odpowiedniego cyklu mikcji poprzez wymuszanie oddawania moczu w stałym rytmie dobowym (jednakowe odstępy czasu i stałe pory). Obejmują opisane przez Kegla ćwiczenia mięśni dna miednicy oraz naukę reakcji na wystąpienie odczucia parcia poprzez wytworzenie odruchowego rozluźnienia lub odwrócenia uwagi (np. wsteczne odliczanie) i wywołanie wybiórczego skurczu innych grup mięśni. Pacjent dąży do zwiększania pojemności pęcherza za pomocą ćwiczeń polegających na świadomym, stopniowym wydłużaniu czasu pomiędzy kolejnymi mikcjami według wcześniej ustalonego harmonogramu (od 15 minut do 2 godzin).

Jednocześnie chory uczy się świadomej kontroli wypieracza oraz zwieracza cewki. Trening prowadzi do wypracowania mechanizmu, dzięki któremu impulsy korowe pozwalają na hamowanie skurczów wypieracza, stymulują napięcie zwieracza cewki moczowej, modulują dośrodkowe włókna czuciowe [63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69].

Dodatkowym elementem są zalecenia obejmujące ograniczenie przyjmowania napojów zawierających kofeinę, alkohol oraz zmniejszenie ilości płynów przyjmowanych przed nocnym spoczynkiem [70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]. Według części autorów terapia behawioralna znajduje zastosowanie jako leczenie wspomagające farmakoterapię, lecz wyniki badań klinicznych są niejednoznaczne [76)]. W jednym z nich 416 pacjentów nieskutecznie leczonych lekiem antycholiner-gicznym (tolterodyną) uczono zasad terapii behawioralnej (zmiany diety, sposoby ćwiczeń mięśni dna miednicy, regulacji mikcji itp.). W przeprowadzonych po 2 miesiącach ankietach kontrolnych 91% pacjentów potwierdzało poprawę stanu zdrowia i złagodzenie objawów związanych z nadreaktywnością pęcherza [77]. Wyniki innych badań nie wykazały tak dobrych rezultatów. Po dołączeniu terapii behawioralnej do stosowanej dotychczas u kobiet z naglącym nietrzymaniem moczu oksybutyniny i darifenacyny nie uzyskano istotnej poprawy w odniesieniu do monoterapii tymi preparatami [78, 79]. Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network na podstawie analizy uzyskanych danych stwierdziło, że dołączenie terapii behawioralnych nie zezwala na odstawienie leków antycholinergicznych [80].

Biofeedback polega na wyćwiczeniu świadomej kontroli nad czynnością narządów działających dotychczas autonomicznie. W przeciwieństwie do wyżej opisanych metod treningowych pacjent obserwuje reakcje swego organizmu przy użyciu odpowiednich urządzeń monitorujących. W przypadku pęcherza nadreaktywnego pacjent uczy się rozpoznawać sygnały poprzedzające, np. epizod naglącego nietrzymania moczu, kontrolować napięcie mięśni dna miednicy, utrzymywać odpowiedni odstęp czasu pomiędzy mikcjami i korzystać z toalety w określonym czasie (toileting assistance). Ćwiczenia te wspomagane są obserwacją przez ćwiczące pacjentki wskazań manometru dopochwowego lub zapisu z elektromiografu. Publikowane wyniki randomizowanych badań wskazują, że skuteczność prawidłowo prowadzonej terapii biofeedback może być porównywalna do wyników leczenia farmakologicznego [81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86].

Stymulacja mięśni dna miednicy była pierwotnie stosowana w leczeniu wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu u kobiet. Odpowiednie elektrody (stymulacja elektryczna) zostają umieszczone dopochwowo, przezskórne lub doodbytniczo, a generowany przez nie impuls pobudza mięśnie dna miednicy do skurczów. Mięśnie stopniowo zwiększają swe napięcie i siłę, podobnie jak każdy mięsień szkieletowy poddany stałym obciążeniom. Generowane impulsy elektryczne wpływają także na czynność nerwów biegnących w miednicy mniejszej, powodując zahamowanie przewodnictwa ("porażenie") włókien ruchowych i czuciowych biegnących w nerwach podbrzusznych i sromowych. Zjawisko to uzasadnia zastosowanie powyższej metody do leczenia zespołu pęcherza nadreaktywnego. Bardziej inwazyjny sposób elektrostymulacji polega na wszczepieniu stymulatorów z elektrodami zakończonymi w okolicach nerwów krzyżowych S2-S4, używanych do leczenia zaburzeń pęcherza neurogennego po urazach rdzenia kręgowego. Inne rozwiązanie to neuromodulacja polegająca na bezpośredniej stymulacji elektrodami włókien nerwowych typu A-d w korzeniach S3-S4 prądem o niskiej amplitudzie wytwarzanym przez wszczepiony stymulator (InterStim firmy Medtronic). Stymulacja taka prowadzi do obniżenia poziomu progu reaktywności ściany pęcherza moczowego i jednocześnie wzrostu napięcia zwieracza cewki moczowej [87]. Dla terapii OAB wykorzystano hamowanie skurczów wypieracza po elektrostymulacji obwodowych włókien eferentnych, jak i zahamowanie przewodnictwa w drogach rdzeniowych w efekcie elektrostymulacji włókien aferentnych. W ostatnich latach do stymulacji mięśni dna miednicy oraz nerwów miednicznych wprowadzane są urządzenia wytwarzające pole magnetyczne (stymulacja magnetyczna). Trudno ocenić użyteczność tych metod, gdyż wyniki publikowanych badań klinicznych są niejednoznaczne [88, 89, 90, 91, 92].

Leczenie farmakologiczne nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego
Leczenie farmakologiczne OAB nie jest proste i nie zawsze jest skuteczne. Obecnie urolog dysponuje szeregiem grup preparatów o różnym stopniu skuteczności. Szczegółowe omówienia poszczególnych preparatów są łatwo dostępne i nie będą przedmiotem obecnego przeglądu.

Lekami z wyboru są preparaty z grupy leków antycholinergicznych, blokujące receptory muskarynowe. Tą drogą zmniejszają autonomiczne skurcze wypieracza, przynajmniej częściowo łagodząc objawy i zmniejszając liczbę epizodów nietrzymania moczu [93, 94, 95]. Dostępnych jest kilka substancji blokujących receptory muskarynowe (np. darifenacyna, hyoscyamina, oksybutynina, tolterodyna, solifenacyna, trospium), lecz brak preparatów o całkowicie wybiórczym blokowaniu receptorów muskarynowych w ścianie pęcherza. Dlatego ubocznym efektem ich działania jest hamowanie (w różnym stopniu w zależności od rodzaju preparatu) wydzielania śliny, powodujące dokuczliwe uczucie suchości w jamie ustnej, zaburzenia widzenia, zaparcia, uczucie senności. Leki antycholinergiczne mogą nasilać objawy demencji. Stosowane jako monoterapia mogą nasilać zaburzenia oddawania moczu u mężczyzn z przerostem gruczołu krokowego. Przeciwwskazaniem do ich dostosowania jest jaskra z wąskim kątem przesączania. Oksybutynina była pierwszym lekiem z tej grupy wprowadzonym do leczenia nadreaktywności pęcherza. Jednak nie wykazuje wybiórczości działania, a efekt hamujący jest nawet silniej wyrażony w stosunku do tkanek gruczołów ślinowych niż pęcherza. Kolejne wprowadzone na rynek preparaty ( tolterodyna, solifenacyna, darifenacyna) cechuje większa wybiórczość w stosunku do receptorów M3 (najwyższą cechuje się darifenacyna). Dotychczas w żadnym z badań klinicznych nie wykazano wyższej skuteczności żadnego z preparatów nad pozostałymi z tej grupy. Najwyższą wybiórczość w stosunku do receptora M2 wykazuje trospium. Wyjątkowa struktura chemiczna (wielkocząsteczkowa czwartorzędowa amina) powoduje, że w minimalnym stopniu przechodzi przez barierę krew-mózg i może być bezpiecznie stosowana u starszych osób.

Na następnej stronie (tab. 1) przedstawiono dostępne w Polsce preparaty antycholinergiczne, z uwzględnieniem ich charakterystyki farmakologicznej i klinicznej. Zgodnie z wytycznymi ICI (International Consultations on Incontinence) solifenacyna ma najwyższy stopień referencyjności 1A (wg wytycznych oksfordzkich: 1 - w oparciu o przeglądy systematyczne, metaanalizy, dobrej jakości randomizowane badania kliniczne; A - lek najbardziej rekomendowany).

Tabela 1

W przypadku solifenacyny nie jest konieczne (tak jak dla oksybutyniny i tolterodyny) opracowywanie form o powolnym uwalnianiu, z uwagi na jej długi okres półtrwania, wynoszący 52 godziny, i czas osiągnięcia maksymalnego stężenia w surowicy krwi wynoszący 3-8 godzin. Wyniki badań klinicznych, zarówno z placebo, jak i z aktywnym komparatorem, wykazują, że solifenacyna jest substancją o wysokim profiluskuteczność/bezpieczeństwo. Roczny okres terapii solifenacyną został ukończony przez 81,4% pacjentów, odsetek pacjentów, którzy zrezygnowali z leczenia z powodu braku skuteczności, wyniósł jedynie 4,8%. Taki sam odsetek pacjentów zrezygnował z leczenia z powodu objawów ubocznych. W indywidualnych ocenach skuteczności leczenia przez pacjentów 74% oceniło ją jako satysfakcjonującą i wyższą, a tylko 1,3% pacjentów oceniło objawy uboczne związane z przyjmowanym lekiem jako nie do zaakceptowania. Kolejne badania kliniczne wykazały, że solifenacyna zmniejsza o 100% liczbę epizodów nietrzymania moczu z parcia, o 60-70% liczbę epizodów parć naglących oraz o 50% liczbę epizodów częstomoczu nocnego. Po leczeniu solifenacyną zupełne ustąpienie objawów nietrzymania moczu było stwierdzane przez 52% pacjentów. Najnowsze badanie kliniczne oceniające solifenacynę w aspekcie wpływu na parcie naglące (jako przyczynę pierwotną wystąpienia innych objawów pęcherza nadreaktywnego) z użyciem 4-stopniowej skali intensywności parcia naglącego PPIUS (Patent Perceptron of Intensity of Urgency Scale), gdzie "0" oznacza brak parcia naglącego, a "4" oznacza nietrzymanie moczu, wykazało, że liczba epizodów parcia naglącego ocenianego na 3 lub 4 po terapii solifenacyną zmniejszyła się średnio o 2,58 punktu, podczas gdy w grupie stosującej placebo tylko o 1,81, co jest wartością znamienną statystycznie (p<0,0001). Wtórną zmienną uwzględnioną w badaniu było postrzeganie choroby jako "problemu", a także miara skrępowania i udręczenia spowodowanego każdym epizodem parcia naglącego. Wykorzystując wzrokową skalę analogową (Visual Analogue Scale), gdzie 0 oznacza "brak niedogodności", a 100 oznacza "najgorszą możliwą niedogodność", po zostosowaniu solifenacyny niedogodności związane parciem naglącym zostały zredukowane o 35 punktów na wspomnianej skali i o 25 w przypadku placebo, co jest wartością znamienną statystycznie (p<0,0001).

Potwierdzono również istniejące dane dotyczące profilu bezpieczeństwa solifenacyny - liczba pacjentów, którzy wycofali się z badania z powodu niepożądanych działań ubocznych wyniosła mniej niż 3%. Częstość występowania suchości ust wynosiła 12,2% dla solifenacyny w dawce 5 mg (15,8% solifenacyna 5 i 10 mg), a zaparcia zgłaszało 5% stosujących tę substancję (6,9% solifenacyna 5 i 10 mg). Nie stwierdzono natomiast istotnej różnicy pomiędzy solifenacyną i placebo w częstości zgłaszanych zaburzeń widzenia. Podane wyniki są zgodne z wcześniejszymi badaniami klinicznymi dotyczącymi solifenacyny. Inne preparaty antycholinergiczne mają znacznie gorszy profilskuteczności i tolerancji w porównaniu z solifenacyną.

Oprócz preparatów antycholinergicznych w terapii OAB znalazło zastosowanie kilka innych grup leków, przeważnie wówczas, gdy nie uzyskano poprawy po dotychczasowych metodach leczenia lub objawy uboczne nie są akceptowane przez pacjentów. Jednymi z nich są trójpierścieniowe leki przeciwdepresyjne, głównie imipramina oraz rzadziej doxepina. Imipramina pierwotnie stosowana była w leczeniu schizofrenii. Ponieważ wpływa na metabolizm wielu neuroprzekaźników, znalazła zastosowanie w leczeniu szeregu innych zaburzeń psychicznych (np. depresji, zaburzeń afektywnych) i fizycznych (jak moczenie nocne, przewlekłe zespoły bólowe). Hamuje wychwyt zwrotny serotoniny, noradrenaliny, dopaminy, blokuje receptory muskarynowe M2, histaminowe H1, zwiększa ekspresję czynnika wzrostu nerwów - neurotrofiny BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) obecnej w neuronach motorycznych, śliniankach i dolnych drogach moczowych. Działa także przeciwbólowo, pobudzając receptory opiatowe typu "mi". Ze względu na wyżej opisane właściwości, u chorych z nadreaktywnością pęcherza zmniejsza dolegliwości związane z parciami naglącymi, bólami w okolicy nadłonowej, jednocześnie łagodząc często współistniejące objawy depresyjne [96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112].

W farmakoterapii nadreaktywności pęcherza sięgnięto także po inne preparaty z powodzeniem stosowane w innych gałęziach medycyny: blokery kanału wapniowego (np. nifedypina), blokery receptorów alfa-adrenergicznych (doxazosyna) oraz hormony (estrogeny stosowane doustnie lub dopochwowo) [113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119]. W różnych fazach badań znajduje się kilkanaście substancji, potencjalnych leków [120]:
1. Antymuskarynowe o większej selektywności w stosunku do receptorów M2 i M3, PSD-506 (Plethora Solutions) i SMP-986 (Dainippon Sumitomo).
2. Substancje agonistyczne w stosunku do receptorów beta-adrenergicznych GW-427353 (GlaxoSmithKline), YM-178 (Astellas) KUC-7483 (Kissei Pharmaceuticals).
3. Antagoniści neurokinin ( substancji P, CGRP): cizolirtine, SSR-240600 (Sanofi-Aventis), TA-5538 (Mitsubishi Tanabe).
4. Substancje otwierające ATP-zależne błonowe kanały potasowe (pinacidil, ZD6169, NS309).
5. Agoniści receptora witaminy D/inhibitory kinaz RhoA/Rho (elocalcitol).

Pomimo wprowadzenia nowych leków, analiza publikowanych badań klinicznych opartych o kwestionariusze pytań i badania urodynamiczne wykazuje, że pomimo leczenia objawy OAB utrzymują się u większości pacjentów, a farmakoterapia, niezależnie od jej rodzaju, pozwala na osiągnięcie jedynie krótko- i średnioterminowej poprawy jakości życia QoL [121, 122]. Coraz szerzej są opisywane w literaturze medycznej i wprowadzane do zastosowań klinicznych nowe metody leczenia wybiórczo nakierowanego na pęcherz moczowy. Ostrzykiwanie ściany pęcherza moczowego (mięśnia wypieracza) neurotoksyną botulinową typu A powoduje okresowe zablokowanie synaps cholinergicznych, zwiotczenie mięśni gładkich wypieracza i z kolei spadek jego nadaktywności. Opisano skuteczność dopęcherzowego podawania kapsaicyny [123, 124, 125].

Leczenie nadreaktywności pęcherza u mężczyzn z przerostem gruczołu krokowego
Najczęściej, bo u 36% mężczyzn z przerostem gruczołu krokowego, farmakoterapia oparta jest na antagonistach receptorów alfa1-adrenergicznych i inhibitorach 5-alfa-reduktazy. Leki te stosowane są łącznie lub jako monoterapia. Tylko 25% mężczyzn z nadreaktywnością pęcherza moczowego i 6% z objawami LUTS w przebiegu przerostu gruczołu krokowego otrzymywało leki antycholinergiczne. Antagoniści receptorów alfa1-adrenergicznych są podstawowymi lekami stosowanymi w terapii przerostu stercza, skutecznie łagodząc objawy przeszkody podpęcherzowej. Wykazano także ich krótkotrwały wpływ na złagodzenie towarzyszących objawów nadreaktywności pęcherza. Sytuację tę mogłoby poprawić dodatkowe włączenie leków antycholinergicznych, jednak osłabienie kurczliwości wypieracza może wiązać się ze wzrostem ryzyka ostrego zatrzymania moczu. Przeprowadzono randomizowane badanie kliniczne 50 mężczyzn z przerostem gruczołu krokowego, porównujące skuteczność monoterapii alfa-blokerem (tamsulosyna) i terapii złożonej (tamsulosyna + tolterodyna). U chorych stwierdzano objawy przeszkody podpęcherzowej oraz nadreaktywności wypieracza.

Obserwacja trwała 3 miesiące. U pacjentów stosujących terapię złożoną stwierdzono poprawę jakości życia oraz wzrost pojemności pęcherza. Nie stwierdzono spadku objętości zalegającego moczu po mikcji w stosunku do pacjentów leczonych tylko alfa1-blokerami. Wyniki te znalazły potwierdzenie w kolejnym badaniu 879 mężczyzn z przerostem stercza i objawami nadreaktywności pęcherza leczonych za pomocą w/w preparatów (badanie TIMES). U tych pacjentów stwierdzono istotną poprawę parametrów IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) [126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132].

W sytuacji, gdy leczenie farmakologiczne jest nieskuteczne lub pojawiają się powikłania przerostu gruczołu krokowego (nawracające, oporne na leczenie infekcje, kamica, znaczne zaleganie moczu, nieakceptowane przez chorego obniżenie jakości życia), należy wdrożyć leczenie chirurgiczne, którym z reguły jest elektroresekcja przezcewkowa (TURP). W efekcie tego leczenia znikają objawy związane z przeszkodą podpęcherzową. Po zabiegu objawy nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego utrzymują się nadal u ok. 19% pacjentów i odsetek ten wzrasta aż do 63% w ciągu kolejnych lat [133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139].

Leczenie przyczynowe nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego

Zgodnie z teorią uszkodzenia neuronalnego w przypadku nadreaktywności może dochodzić do tzw. wyciekania acetylocholiny z zakończeń nerwowych, w czasie gdy włókna cholinergiczne nie są aktywne. Możliwy jest też rozwój nadmiernej impulsacji aferentnej, powodującej na drodze odśrodkowej stymulację wypieracza i powstawanie parcia naglącego.

Te dane stwarzają patofizjologiczne podstawy do zastosowania leków antycholinergicznych, a także do opracowywania nowych metod leczenia ukierunkowanych na wpływanie na poszczególne populacje neuronalne (leki działające na kanały jonowe, neurotoksyny).

Leki wpływające na ośrodkowy układ nerwowy
Obecnie istnieją nieliczne schematy terapeutyczne stosowania leków, których punkt uchwytu znajduje się w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym, jednak wiedza o neurotransmiterach obecnych w mózgu i rdzeniu kręgowym może być pomocna w doświadczeniach dotyczących poszukiwania nowych leków stosowanych w leczeniu pęcherza nadreaktywnego. Obiecującą grupą leków są substancje wpływające na drogi przewodzenia dopaminergicznego w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. Stymulacja receptorów dopaminergicznych D1 powoduje zahamowanie odruchu mikcji, natomiast stymulacja receptorów D2 powoduje inicjację tego odruchu. Wykazano zmniejszenie nasilenia objawów pęcherza nadreaktywnego u małp z chorobą Parkinsona po zastosowaniu substancji SKF 38393 - agonisty receptora D1 [140].

Substancje działające na receptory purynergiczne, których obecność została niedawno wykazana w dolnych drogach moczowych, mogą mieć zastosowanie w leczeniu nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego. Najbardziej obiecujące wydaje się być stosowanie leków działających na receptory purynergiczne u chorych z neurogennym uszkodzeniem dolnych dróg moczowych oraz u pacjentów w podeszłym wieku. W tych grupach chorych stwierdzono bowiem zwiększoną aktywność transmisji purynergicznej.

Kanabinoidy, czyli pochodne marihuany, wpływają na receptory kanabinoidowe w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. Preparat podjęzykowy, składający się z mieszaniny tetrahydrokanabinolu i kanabidilu, był podawany w randomizowanym badaniu z wykorzystaniem placebo pacjentom z nadreaktywnością wypieracza i stwardnieniem rozsianym. Wykazano, że Sativex co prawda nie zmniejszał liczby epizodów nietrzymania moczu, ale zmniejszał liczbę mikcji zarówno w nocy, jak i w dzień oraz poprawiał parametry jakości życia. Lek nie wpływał też na dobową produkcję moczu [141]. Zupełnie inne podejście do problemu pęcherza nadreaktywnego zostało przedstawione przez grupę naukowców z Bristolu. Wychodząc z założenia, że głównym czynnikiem ograniczającym pacjentów z pęcherzem nadreaktywnym i limitującym ich możliwości zawodowe jest częstomocz dzienny, badacze ci zaproponowali stosowanie desmopresyny w dawce 0,2 mg rano, celem zmniejszenia częstotliwości mikcji w dzień. Okazało się, że lek zmniejszał liczbę mikcji o jedną (w porównaniu z placebo) w ciągu 8 godzin od zażycia, ale za to aż 78% pacjentów leczonych desmopresyną nie miało w ogóle epizodów nietrzymania moczu do 8 godzin po zażyciu leku. Zaobserwowano też znamienną poprawę jakości życia u pacjentów przyjmujących desmopresynę. Objawy uboczne miały na ogół nie wielkie nasilenie i dotyczyły bólów głowy oraz biegunki. U żadnego z pacjentów nie zaobserwowano hiponatremii [142].

Neurotoksyny w leczeniu nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego

Era neurotoksyn w urologii rozpoczęła się od wykazania istnienia tzw. włókien C-reaktywnych, odpowiedzialnych za reorganizację odruchu mikcji po urazie rdzenia kręgowego. To odkrycie dało początek zastosowaniu selektywnej wobec włókien C neurotoksyny - kapsaicyny. Dalsze badania doprowadziły do odkrycia receptora waniloidowego, który ma charakter kanału jonowego. Okazało się, że kapsaicyna, działając za pośrednictwem receptora waniloidowego (VR1), powoduje najpierw pobudzenie aferentnych włókien typu C, co oczywiście nasila parcie naglące oraz wzmaga czucie bólu, a następnie dopiero dochodzi do neurolizy i porażenia czucia [143]. To spowodowało poszukiwania innej neurotoksyny, pozbawionej działania pobudzającego. Resiniferatoksyna, działająca również za pośrednictwem receptora VR1, nie ma pobudzającego działania na komórki nerwowe, wywołuje jedynie ich porażenie. Resiniferatoksyna powoduje ponadto plastyczność neuronalną, polegającą na zmianie fenotypu neuronów. Resiniferatoksyna znalazła zastosowanie w leczeniu neurogennej i nieneurogennej nadreaktywności wypieracza oraz w leczeniu śródmiąższowego zapalenia pęcherza moczowego. Skuteczność resiniferatoksyny wynosi 45-66% w zależności od schorzenia [143].

Kolejną neurotoksyną pochodzenia bakteryjnego, która znalazła szerokie zastosowanie w neurourologii, jest toksyna botulinowa. Toksyna botulinowa (BTX) jest najsilniejszą neurotoksyną występującą w przyrodzie. Jej działanie polega na hamowaniu uwalniania acetylocholiny w obrębie cholinergicznej synapsy nerwowo- mięśniowej. W praktyce urologicznej używana jest toksyna A - (preparaty Dysport i Botox, różniące się dawkami - dawki nie są równoważne, oraz sposobem przygotowania - zamrażanie i liofilizacja).

W największym dostępnym obecnie badaniu klinicznym poddano analizie 200 chorych z neurogenną dysfunkcją pęcherza, którym BTX-A podano w formie iniekcji do ściany pęcherza. W kontroli po 3 i 6 miesiącach stwierdzono statystycznie znamienny wzrost pojemności cystometrycznej pęcherza oraz spadek ciśnień śródpęcherzowych. Toksyna botulinowa może być również stosowana w idiopatycznej nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego (stosuje się wówczas mniejsze dawki, z uwagi na ryzyko porażenia pęcherza moczowego). Wyniki badań randomizowanych, podwójnie ślepych, kontrolowanych przez placebo wykazały 55% skuteczność BTX w całkowitej eliminacji nadreaktywności wypieracza. W przypadku nadreaktywności na tle idiopatycznym skuteczność wynosi 62,5%, w przeszkodzie podpęcherzowej 85%, a w śródmiąższowym zapaleniu pęcherza 69%. Oprócz zablokowania uwalniania acetylocholiny uważa się, że toksyna botulinowa może wpływać na zakończenia czuciowe zlokalizowane w pęcherzu, co stanowiłoby atrakcyjne wyjaśnienie jej działania w przypadku np. nadreaktywności na tle wzmożonej dośrodkowej impulsacji czuciowej [144, 145].

Leczenie chirurgiczne
Zabiegi chirurgiczne nie znalazły szerszego zastosowania w terapii pęcherza nadreaktywnego. W publikacjach wymieniane są jako opcja leczenia pacjentów, u których inne metody zawiodły, a znaczne nasilenie objawów usprawiedliwia tak radykalny krok. U chorych z nadreaktywnością pęcherza celem jest zwiększenie pojemności pęcherza oraz obniżenie siły i częstotliwości skurczów wypieracza i ciśnienia wewnątrzpęcherzowego. Najczęstszym zabiegiem jest cystoplastyka z wszyciem segmentu jelitowego, pozwalająca na zwiększenie pojemności pęcherza i osłabienie siły skurczów wypieracza dzięki częściowemu rozcięciu. Opisywane są zabiegi polegające na podłużnym rozcięciu pęcherza i ponownym zszyciu (clam plasty), odnerwienie ściany pęcherza, a nawet usunięcie części wypieracza.

Nadreaktywność pęcherza moczowego to problem socjologiczny i ekonomiczny

Zespół nadreaktywnego pęcherza znalazł się w kręgu zainteresowań urologów i ginekologów. Można to wiązać z rozwojem metod diagnostycznych (badań urodynamicznych), postępami neurofizjologii i wyodrębnianiem się nowych dziedzin medycznych (np. uroginekologii). Przyczyną jest także kierowanie się medycyny oraz przemysłu farmaceutycznego na nowe obszary działalności, związane nie tylko z leczeniem chorób zagrażających życiu, lecz także pogarszających jego jakość. Efektem jest opracowanie szeregu nowych leków do terapii dysfunkcji erekcyjnej czy hormonalnej terapii zastępczej u obu płci.

Ze względu na dużą liczbę potencjalnych pacjentów OAB stał się istotnym celem dla firm farmaceutycznych. Tylko wydatki na reklamę stosowanych leków antycholinergicznych wynoszą 127 mln dolarów rocznie, a jest o co walczyć, gdyż roczny wzrost wydatków na te preparaty stanowi 11%.

Jak wiele innych schorzeń, OAB jest problemem społecznym i ekonomicznym, ponieważ w istotny sposób ogranicza aktywność życiową pacjentów, głównie w krajach wysokorozwiniętych. Koszty obejmują wydatki bezpośrednio związane z leczeniem choroby i powikłań oraz pośrednie, związane z wyłączeniem jednostki ze społeczeństwa i ograniczeniem aktywności zawodowej [146, 147, 148]. W roku 2000 w USA wyniosły 12,02 mld dolarów, z czego14% przypadło na utrzymanie chorych w domach opieki, 9% na leczenie, 6% stanowiły powikłania, a jedynie 1% przypadło na badania diagnostyczne. Pozostały odsetek stanowiły wydatki na codzienną opiekę i utrata produktywności pacjenta, ocenione na 841 mln dolarów rocznie [149]. Łączne obciążenia społeczne różnych form nietrzymania moczu w USA przekraczają 26 mld dolarów. Obliczony koszt powikłań nadreaktywności pęcherza moczowego obejmował leczenie zwiększonej ilości infekcji dróg moczowych (1,3 mld dolarów) oraz dwukrotnego wzrostu liczby urazów kości (386 mln dolarów) [150]. Urazy te są związane z upadkami i stanowią 23% wydatków na leczenie powikłań OAB. Pacjenci z naglącym nietrzymaniem moczu ponoszą dodatkowe koszty podkładek higienicznych, wynoszące ok. 135 dolarów rocznie, środków do pielęgnacji i leczenia skóry oraz wydatki na zwiększoną liczbę wizyt lekarskich i hospitalizacji [151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158].


Objawy zespołu pęcherza nadreaktywnego występują z równą częstotliwością wśród obu płci. W istotny sposób wpływają na pogorszenie jakości życia chorych. Dotychczas brak teorii jednoznacznie wyjaśniających etiologię schorzenia. Leczenie obejmujące zmiany stylu życia, terapie behawioralne oraz farmakoterapię jest skuteczne jedynie u części pacjentów. Objawy mają charakter nawrotowy nawet u chorych, u których uzyskano początkowo znaczną poprawę. W odniesieniu do OAB stwierdzenie Bensona "...wolę mówić pacjentom: wierzę, że masz takie objawy, nie wiem, co jest ich przyczyną, ale zrobię wszystko, abyś poczuł się lepiej" nie straciło na aktualności.

dr n. med. Stanisław Wroński
Oddział Urologii, Szpital Uniwersytecki nr 2 im. dr. J. Biziela, Bydgoszcz
ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Piotr Jarzemski

dr hab. n. med. Piotr Radziszewski
Katedra i Klinika Urologii, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
kierownik katedry i kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Borkowski

lek. med. Daniel Lewczak
Oddział Urologii, Szpital Uniwersytecki nr 2 im. dr. J. Biziela, Bydgoszcz
ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Piotr Jarzemski

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Coombes <> wtorek, 12 lutego 2019, godzina 1750
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Coombes <> poniedziałek, 11 marca 2019, godzina 0615
Hi again I have tried sending you a message on your site but I got an email saying it was not delivered so here goes again. It would be great if you could let me know if you have received my email and article. I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the cannabis and CBD industry. I have used a couple of CBD sites in the UK to buy CBD oil using cryptocurrency. I realised just how much of an impact cryptocurrencies will have on the cannabis industry (which is heavily regulated) and I therefore decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful. I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here: I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own. If you like my article, I can write a couple more once I get some free time (it is crazy busy at work right now after the new year). Have an awesome day! Regards Tony
Coombes <> poniedziałek, 11 marca 2019, godzina 1330
Hi again I have tried sending you a message on your site but I got an email saying it was not delivered so here goes again. It would be great if you could let me know if you have received my email and article. I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the cannabis and CBD industry. I have used a couple of CBD sites in the UK to buy CBD oil using cryptocurrency. I realised just how much of an impact cryptocurrencies will have on the cannabis industry (which is heavily regulated) and I therefore decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful. I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here: I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own. If you like my article, I can write a couple more once I get some free time (it is crazy busy at work right now after the new year). Have an awesome day! Regards Tony
Coombes <> środa, 13 marca 2019, godzina 1552
Hi again I have tried sending you a message on your site but I got an email saying it was not delivered so here goes again. It would be great if you could let me know if you have received my email and article. I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the cannabis and CBD industry. I have used a couple of CBD sites in the UK to buy CBD oil using cryptocurrency. I realised just how much of an impact cryptocurrencies will have on the cannabis industry (which is heavily regulated) and I therefore decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful. I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here: I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own. If you like my article, I can write a couple more once I get some free time (it is crazy busy at work right now after the new year). Have an awesome day! Regards Tony
Demaio <> czwartek, 14 marca 2019, godzina 1313
Hello I have written a couple of articles on CBD from multiple angles and would love to contribute these articles to your blog. I have saved the articles on my Google drive which you can access from here: I am sorry but I did not have any time to find some good images so it would be fab if you could add some. Keep up the great work on your site! Regards
Frawley <> sobota, 16 marca 2019, godzina 1239
I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand. I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here. I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package: Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs): 100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs 50 bookmarks and social signals Indexing Cat (mid-sized vape companies) 500 backlinks inside vape blogs 250 social bookmarks promotion on 5,000 forums Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities) 1500 vapor blog links 500 social bookmarks Promotion on 10,000 forums 20,000 mixed links Indexing Guest Posts on 5 strong sites Lots of Extras To learn more, please visit
Coombes <> poniedziałek, 18 marca 2019, godzina 0056
Hi again I have tried sending you a message on your site but I got an email saying it was not delivered so here goes again. It would be great if you could let me know if you have received my email and article. I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the cannabis and CBD industry. I have used a couple of CBD sites in the UK to buy CBD oil using cryptocurrency. I realised just how much of an impact cryptocurrencies will have on the cannabis industry (which is heavily regulated) and I therefore decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful. I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here: I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own. If you like my article, I can write a couple more once I get some free time (it is crazy busy at work right now after the new year). Have an awesome day! Regards Tony
Estell <> poniedziałek, 18 marca 2019, godzina 2203
Hello I have written a couple of articles on CBD from multiple angles and would love to contribute these articles to your blog. I have saved the articles on my Google drive which you can access from here: I am sorry but I did not have any time to find some good images so it would be fab if you could add some. Keep up the great work on your site! Regards
Coombes <> poniedziałek, 18 marca 2019, godzina 2204
Hi again I have tried sending you a message on your site but I got an email saying it was not delivered so here goes again. It would be great if you could let me know if you have received my email and article. I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the cannabis and CBD industry. I have used a couple of CBD sites in the UK to buy CBD oil using cryptocurrency. I realised just how much of an impact cryptocurrencies will have on the cannabis industry (which is heavily regulated) and I therefore decided to write this article. Hopefully, your readers will find it useful. I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here: I am very sorry but I did not have the time to collect some images so please feel free to add some of your own. If you like my article, I can write a couple more once I get some free time (it is crazy busy at work right now after the new year). Have an awesome day! Regards Tony
Walck <> wtorek, 19 marca 2019, godzina 0219
GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE AND VAPE STORE EMAIL LIST Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List! Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List - WHAT IS THE GLOBAL VAPE SHOP EMAIL LIST AND WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country. The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates. Click here to learn more and purchase the database:
Rhea <> środa, 20 marca 2019, godzina 0807
GLOBAL VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST OF VAPE SHOPS AND VAPE WHOLESALERS AND E-LIQUID DISTRIBUTORS Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is! HERE IS WHAT THE VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST CONTAINS: Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online) Vape Wholesalers and distributors E-Liquid Companies Vape Event Organisers Vape magazines Vape reviewers HERE ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU CAN USE THIS VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST Promotional messages Introductory emails Guest post outreach for backlink building Much more Buy and learn more at
Buckner <> czwartek, 21 marca 2019, godzina 1043
GLOBAL VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST OF VAPE SHOPS AND VAPE WHOLESALERS AND E-LIQUID DISTRIBUTORS Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is! HERE IS WHAT THE VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST CONTAINS: Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online) Vape Wholesalers and distributors E-Liquid Companies Vape Event Organisers Vape magazines Vape reviewers HERE ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU CAN USE THIS VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST Promotional messages Introductory emails Guest post outreach for backlink building Much more Buy and learn more at
McCarron <> piątek, 22 marca 2019, godzina 0045
Good morning I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing. I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there. I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before? Cheers guys!
Duff <> niedziela, 24 marca 2019, godzina 1021
WHY E-MAIL MARKETING IS CRUCIAL FOR YOUR VAPE BUSINESS? Having operated in the vape industry for over 8 years, we can confidently say that e-mail marketing gets the results. E-mail marketing such as plain introductory e-mails and newsletters help your vape business to get your message across to thousands of vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and other types of vape businesses. However, in order to make an impact with your newsletter campaign, you have to have quality, verified and cleaned mailing list of vape businesses. A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
Chiman <> niedziela, 24 marca 2019, godzina 1250
Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well . If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know. Thanks, Aly
Damron <> poniedziałek, 25 marca 2019, godzina 0418
I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand. I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here. I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package: Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs): 100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs 50 bookmarks and social signals Indexing Cat (mid-sized vape companies) 500 backlinks inside vape blogs 250 social bookmarks promotion on 5,000 forums Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities) 1500 vapor blog links 500 social bookmarks Promotion on 10,000 forums 20,000 mixed links Indexing Guest Posts on 5 strong sites Lots of Extras To learn more, please visit
Forlong <> piątek, 29 marca 2019, godzina 0024
WHAT IS A VAPE PBN BACKLINK, AND HOW CAN IT HELP YOU MARKET YOUR E-CIGARETTE BUSINESS ONLINE? Backlinks are similar to citations found in non-fiction books. They are references to your website, made by other websites that drive traffic to your online content. The more substantive and qualitative backlinks a website has the better search results your site will receive. However, finding reputable backlinks from e-cigarette sites can be very difficult. Without qualitative references by well-respected websites your online business will suffer. Our E-Cigarette Backlink Package contains substantive, reputable backlinks that can help you improve your websites search-ability. MUST WATCH: COMPLETE GUIDE TO VAPE SEO, VAPE MARKETING & VAPE BACKLINKS
Gaddis <> poniedziałek, 1 kwietnia 2019, godzina 1743
WORLD'S #1 UK VAPE SHOP DATABASE Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
Emanuel <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2241
WORLD'S #1 UK VAPE SHOP DATABASE Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
Mullaly <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2244
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Wooley <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2246
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Fuller <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2305
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Garay <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2313
Download your vape company emails The latest version of the vape company and vape store email list has been released. If you are already subscribed to the service, you should have received your download link. To view the latest changelog, please head over to
Chowne <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2317
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Scheffler <> niedziela, 28 kwietnia 2019, godzina 2324
GLOBAL VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST OF VAPE SHOPS AND VAPE WHOLESALERS AND E-LIQUID DISTRIBUTORS Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is! HERE IS WHAT THE VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST CONTAINS: Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online) Vape Wholesalers and distributors E-Liquid Companies Vape Event Organisers Vape magazines Vape reviewers HERE ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU CAN USE THIS VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST Promotional messages Introductory emails Guest post outreach for backlink building Much more Buy and learn more at
Bryson <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0042
I will create backlinks on my e-liquid and vape blogs built on very high authority domains. Choose the package that most suits your budget and competition you are facing. All extras are highly recommended. These vape backlinks will help to increase your vape shop's domain authority and search engine rankings as well as your sales. Simply send me the keywords you would like to rank for and I will create individual blog posts on each vape blog and add a link to your site with your preferred anchor text. I will embed some vape-related images and video reviews. All work is done manually using content related to your keywords. All of my blogs are hosted on different servers and have different IP addresses. Order now at
Allwood <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0053
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic. We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms. HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SITE: 1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site. 5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site. Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site. Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more. Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay! Learn more and buy at
Tolentino <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0106
Hi! I wanted to ask you if you have heard of this vape seo package ( I was told that many leading companies in the industry are using it with the likes of vapor dna, vape ranger, element eliquids, ie vapor,, marina vape and other big players. I just wanted to check whether you have used them before as I can see that you have a backlink from so my natural assumption is that you are working with these guys. Would you recommend them? Cheers
Mchenry <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0256
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources. Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops! DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Montagu <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0440
WORLD'S #1 UK VAPE SHOP DATABASE Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
Bernstein <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0555
Good morning I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing. I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there. I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before? Cheers guys!
Suh <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0814
Hi I have noticed that your site has a few links from some quality CBD blogs. Are you by any means using this CBD SEO backlinks package? I am starting out with my CBD gummies site and need to invest in SEO to rank well on Google but I thought I would check in with you first. I really appreciate your help. Regards
Russell <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 1034
A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
Jensen <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 1511
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Hambleton <> poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2019, godzina 1728
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Morton <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0124
Hi guys I was spoken to someone from your team some time ago about vape marketing. As promised, I am sending you the link to the digital marketing company that helped to rank my online vape shop: I hope this helps! Have a fab day and see you very soon :)
Miner <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0421
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Pickard <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0524
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources. Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops! DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Bourke <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0857
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Lashley <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 0943
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras! Please send me your website url and up to 100 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines. Please do not use any separators between keywords and enter one keyword per line please. I will deliver everything as soon as the work is finished.
Kirkby <> wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2019, godzina 1937
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic. We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms. HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SITE: 1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site. 5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site. Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site. Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more. Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay! Learn more and buy at
Goward <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0105
I will create backlinks on my e-liquid and vape blogs built on very high authority domains. Choose the package that most suits your budget and competition you are facing. All extras are highly recommended. These vape backlinks will help to increase your vape shop's domain authority and search engine rankings as well as your sales. Simply send me the keywords you would like to rank for and I will create individual blog posts on each vape blog and add a link to your site with your preferred anchor text. I will embed some vape-related images and video reviews. All work is done manually using content related to your keywords. All of my blogs are hosted on different servers and have different IP addresses. Order now at
Wesolowski <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0108
Hi guys I was spoken to someone from your team some time ago about vape marketing. As promised, I am sending you the link to the digital marketing company that helped to rank my online vape shop: I hope this helps! Have a fab day and see you very soon :)
Ginder <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0205
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic. We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms. HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SITE: 1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site. 5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site. Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site. Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more. Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay! Learn more and buy at
Pogue <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0230
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Simonds <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0425
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Pethard <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0532
A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
Dunagan <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0711
Good morning I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing. I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there. I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before? Cheers guys!
Bible <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0719
WORLD'S #1 UK VAPE SHOP DATABASE Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
Bannerman <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 0719
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Parkes <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 1020
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic. We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms. HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SITE: 1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site. 5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site. Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site. Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more. Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay! Learn more and buy at
Haverfield <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 1147
A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
MacGregor <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 1415
HEMP AND CBD SEO BACKLINKS PACKAGE The hemp and CBD industry has grown exponentially over the last few years. CBD products are now gaining mainstream acceptance all over the world. For example, in the UK, you can now freely purchase CBD eliquid, gummies, creams and oils at Holland and Barrett, one of the most popular health food shops. With this popularity of CBD and hemp products, comes the competition between online businesses. Are you looking to rank higher on the major search engines such as Google and Bing? Do you want to get more visitors and generate more sales? We can certainly help you! Our Hemp and CBD SEO Backlinks Package will help to rank your hemp, cbd or cannabis related site all the way to the top of the search engines. With this SEO package, you will receive a wide variety of backlinks from quality CBD and hemp blogs, forums, guest posts and other quality sites! Boost your visitor counts, sales and online presence! HOW OUR HEMP AND CBD SEO BACKLINKS PACKAGE CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS Having a great CBD or Hemp site is only a part of the equation. However, you need visitors to see your awesome site. In today's digital marketing landscape, Google and other major search engines have started to rank websites with a high domain authority and solid domain metrics. The best way to increase your domain authority and metrics is by building quality backlinks. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR BACKLINKS PACKAGE 1,000 posts on CBD and hemp blogs: this will present you with very powerful and niche-relevant backlinks from very high DA sites ranging from 30 to 70. 10,000 forum posts: we will promote your message on 10,000 most powerful forums in the world. This is an excellent way to start a conversation with people and promote your CBD brand and attract direct visitors to your site! Moreover, this is your opportunity to get backlinks from some of the leading forums in the world! Guest posts on authority sites: we have an arrangement with some of the leading and most powerful sites on which we will be able to publish guest posts with backlinks pointing to your site. 500 social bookmarks: social bookmarks are a great way of sending social signals to your site which is one of the ranking factors. Indexing of all backlinks: we will index all of the links with the major search engines. KEY FEATURES OF OUR HEMP AND CBD SEO BACKLINKS PACKAGE Search Engine Safe: we use the industry's recommended ratio of naked, keyword, branded and LSI anchor texts to keep everything looking natural to the search engines. Link Diversity: we create links on many different CMS platforms, domains and IP addresses to keep all the links as diverse as possible. Drip-Feed Indexing: we will index all the backlinks at a very steady speed to keep everything looking natural to the search engines. SHOW ME SOME EXAMPLES We are currently working with 50 CBD companies on their SEO projects. Here are a few examples of the links we have created for some of our clients. Click here to view the backlinks created for Click here to view the backlinks created for PLACING AN ORDER If you like what you see and would like to place an order, here is what you will need to do: Buy the package Prepare a list of 50 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines and send us your website along with your company details including your name, official email, telephone number, company address and other information that you deem relevant. Please send everything to us via our Facebook page ( We are more responsive on our social media pages. We will create all your backlinks and will send you reports in about 30 days as this is a monthly package.
Rasch <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 2056
Hi guys I can scrape all the vape shops in your country using my very powerful servers, thousands of dedicated proxies and my custom built software. I will scrape the likes of Google maps, Yellow Pages, Search Engines and other places. Scraping your own leads is by far the best way to get fresh and up-to-date leads than buying pre-made vape shop databases and email lists. If your country is not listed, please order the UK gig if you are based in Europe. For other places, please order the Canada gig. You will receive an Excel spreadsheet with: vape shop names addresses e-mails telephone numbers social media links websites *provided vape shops contain this data. Just to let you know, the software that I will be using is Yoggy's Money Vault Search Engine Scraper and E-Mail Extractor. This is literally the most powerful web scraper in the world that can produce insanely accurate and comprehensive leads! You can learn more and order at Cheers
Tivey <> środa, 1 maja 2019, godzina 2227
Hi I have noticed that your site has a few links from some quality CBD blogs. Are you by any means using this CBD SEO backlinks package? I am starting out with my CBD gummies site and need to invest in SEO to rank well on Google but I thought I would check in with you first. I really appreciate your help. Regards
Nicolai <> piątek, 3 maja 2019, godzina 0721
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Oshea <> sobota, 4 maja 2019, godzina 0446
Hello I wanted to ask for your opinion about the monthly CBD backlink seo package. I can see that you have a backlink from so I assume that you are working with those guys? I just want to make an informed decision before ordering and thought that there is no better way than to ask some CBD companies in the industry. I think this is the link I really appreciate your help! Thank you!
Warby <> niedziela, 5 maja 2019, godzina 0709
I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand. I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here. I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package: Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs): 100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs 50 bookmarks and social signals Indexing Cat (mid-sized vape companies) 500 backlinks inside vape blogs 250 social bookmarks promotion on 5,000 forums Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities) 1500 vapor blog links 500 social bookmarks Promotion on 10,000 forums 20,000 mixed links Indexing Guest Posts on 5 strong sites Lots of Extras To learn more, please visit
Carney <> poniedziałek, 6 maja 2019, godzina 2136
Hi! I wanted to ask you if you have heard of this vape seo package ( I was told that many leading companies in the industry are using it with the likes of vapor dna, vape ranger, element eliquids, ie vapor,, marina vape and other big players. I just wanted to check whether you have used them before as I can see that you have a backlink from so my natural assumption is that you are working with these guys. Would you recommend them? Cheers
Gaytan <> wtorek, 7 maja 2019, godzina 0122
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Messenger <> wtorek, 7 maja 2019, godzina 0358
Hi guys I can scrape all the vape shops in your country using my very powerful servers, thousands of dedicated proxies and my custom built software. I will scrape the likes of Google maps, Yellow Pages, Search Engines and other places. Scraping your own leads is by far the best way to get fresh and up-to-date leads than buying pre-made vape shop databases and email lists. If your country is not listed, please order the UK gig if you are based in Europe. For other places, please order the Canada gig. You will receive an Excel spreadsheet with: vape shop names addresses e-mails telephone numbers social media links websites *provided vape shops contain this data. Just to let you know, the software that I will be using is Yoggy's Money Vault Search Engine Scraper and E-Mail Extractor. This is literally the most powerful web scraper in the world that can produce insanely accurate and comprehensive leads! You can learn more and order at Cheers
Mann <> wtorek, 7 maja 2019, godzina 0610
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources. Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops! DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Tolbert <> wtorek, 7 maja 2019, godzina 1003
I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand. I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here. I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package: Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs): 100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs 50 bookmarks and social signals Indexing Cat (mid-sized vape companies) 500 backlinks inside vape blogs 250 social bookmarks promotion on 5,000 forums Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities) 1500 vapor blog links 500 social bookmarks Promotion on 10,000 forums 20,000 mixed links Indexing Guest Posts on 5 strong sites Lots of Extras To learn more, please visit
Greenfields <> wtorek, 7 maja 2019, godzina 1129
Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr. Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from Thank you for your time. Kind regards Sergey
Kelley <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 0351
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Heinig <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 0924
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Lienhop <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 1023
A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
Frey <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 1059
Hi guys We are excited to let you know that we have now officially launched our CBD and Hemp Backlinks package. Previously, we have worked with some of the biggest CBD companies behind closed doors. However, we have made a decision to make our Hemp and CBD SEO Backlinks package public and accessible to everyone! We would like to invite you to review our package and see how it could benefit your business: Our backlinks package has been tried and tested on some of the heaviest hitting CBD companies in the industry and provides an excellent blueprint for ranking almost any type of CBD and hemp site! We have added some example links that we have created for some of our clients for you to get an idea of the links. The package is currently on offer so you can land yourself a pretty good bargain. Do let us know if you have any questions! Thanks :)
Newell <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 1345
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Greenfields <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 1415
Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr. Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from Thank you for your time. Kind regards Sergey
Eather <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 1738
Hello I am writing to briefly introduce my CBD and Hemp backlinks packages. I used to work for a London based SEO and digital marketing agency but I have decided to leave and start freelancing instead. I am offering exactly the same package sold by most SEO agencies but ten times cheaper. Having worked for an SEO agency, I know what works and what doesn't insofar as SEO goes. Please take a look at my services here: If you are interested, please feel free to place an order or message me for details. Have a great day!
Taul <> czwartek, 9 maja 2019, godzina 2311
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Lujan <> piątek, 10 maja 2019, godzina 0029
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras! Please send me your website url and up to 100 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines. Please do not use any separators between keywords and enter one keyword per line please. I will deliver everything as soon as the work is finished.
Collie <> sobota, 11 maja 2019, godzina 0557
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Donaghy <> sobota, 11 maja 2019, godzina 1125
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Mccurdy <> sobota, 11 maja 2019, godzina 1438
GLOBAL VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST OF VAPE SHOPS AND VAPE WHOLESALERS AND E-LIQUID DISTRIBUTORS Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is! HERE IS WHAT THE VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST CONTAINS: Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online) Vape Wholesalers and distributors E-Liquid Companies Vape Event Organisers Vape magazines Vape reviewers HERE ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU CAN USE THIS VAPE COMPANY EMAIL LIST Promotional messages Introductory emails Guest post outreach for backlink building Much more Buy and learn more at
Duck <> sobota, 11 maja 2019, godzina 1607
Hey guys! I just wanted to check in with you whether you need any SEO / lead generation services at the moment? I have a pretty good working knowledge of the vape and CBD niches as I have been in this game for 7 years and have helped to rank some of today's leading sites. I can do all sorts of things such as monthly backlink packages, writing blog articles, scraping leads for your business, doing an outreach, promoting you on leading vape and cbd publications and so on! You can buy my links / chat to me here (this is a freelance site). Cheers guys!
Petty <> sobota, 11 maja 2019, godzina 2219
Hello guys! I am dropping you a quick line to introduce you to my services. Unfortunately, due to Brexit, I was laid off by an SEO agency so I decided to freelance instead. I have worked with a lot of CBD and hemp online retailers based in the UK and USA and therefore have a very good understanding of what is needed to rank your site at the top of Google. I am also good at lead gen and have managed to put together a database of all the CBD and hemp stores, manufacturers and wholesalers. I have organised my packages thematically. You can view and order my packages from here: Have a fab day! :) I am back to my CBD gummy bears!
Beg <> wtorek, 14 maja 2019, godzina 0248
Hey guys! I just wanted to check in with you whether you need any SEO / lead generation services at the moment? I have a pretty good working knowledge of the vape and CBD niches as I have been in this game for 7 years and have helped to rank some of today's leading sites. I can do all sorts of things such as monthly backlink packages, writing blog articles, scraping leads for your business, doing an outreach, promoting you on leading vape and cbd publications and so on! You can buy my links / chat to me here (this is a freelance site). Cheers guys!
Leworthy <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 1432
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Sauls <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 1450
A DEFINITIVE AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE SHOPS, E-LIQUID BRANDS, E-LIQUID WHOLESALERS, VAPE DISTRIBUTORS, VAPE EVENT ORGANISERS, ONLINE VAPE SHOPS, BRICK-AND-MORTAR VAPE SHOPS, VAPE MAGAZINES AND VAPE COMMUNITIES IS FINALLY HERE! Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR GLOBAL E-MAIL LIST OF ALL VAPE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD
Jager <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 1752
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package. Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive: Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up! Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness. Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site. Paid promotions on popular sites. Social media signals. Many more extras!
Coldiron <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 2040
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Russo <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 2233
Hey guys I am dropping you a line to quickly introduce my hemp and CBD marketing packages. Whilst doing some research for my existing clients, I came across your site and thought I would write to you to see if you are interested in my CBD and hemp focused packages. My main area of specialisation is sponsored guest posting on vape and cbd blogs as well as business directories. I am currently working with some of the industry leaders. I used to work for a reputable SEO agency but have abandoned the ship since a couple of months ago. With me, you will get a competitively-priced service with a friendly approach. You can view and order my packages from Fiverr For ease of communication, please write to me on Fiverr as I have my auto notifications enabled. I recommend my monthly package with all extras as it literally contains virtually everything you need to rank. I look forward to working with you! Cheers
Morrison <> sobota, 18 maja 2019, godzina 2233
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site. It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere. I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more. With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read. Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me. Frequently Asked Questions I need more than 10 articles. You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you. What makes you a good writer? My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces. Can you help me to come up with the topics? Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles. How do I choose my blog titles? I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide. Why is content important for my blog? Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Grimes <> niedziela, 19 maja 2019, godzina 0618
WORLD'S #1 UK VAPE SHOP DATABASE Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
Kingsmill <> niedziela, 19 maja 2019, godzina 0749
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic. We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms. HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH OUR VAPE SEO PACKAGE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SITE: 1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site. 5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site. Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site. Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more. Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay! Learn more and buy at
Anna <> niedziela, 19 maja 2019, godzina 0957
A QUICK OVERVIEW OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including: vape shop names e-mails telephone numbers websites social media links locations/physical addresses Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button. Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry! A QUICK BREAKDOWN OF OUR GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan. DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE OF OUR VAPE SHOP DATABASE
Greenfields <> niedziela, 19 maja 2019, godzina 1003
Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr. Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from Thank you for your time. Kind regards Sergey
Newman <> poniedziałek, 20 maja 2019, godzina 0533
Hey guys I am dropping you a line to quickly introduce my vape, cbd and hemp marketing packages. Whilst doing some research for my existing clients, I came across your site and thought I would write to you to see if you are interested in my vape, cbd and hemp focused packages. My main area of specialisation is sponsored guest posting on vape and cbd blogs as well as business directories. I am currently working with some of the industry leaders. I used to work for a reputable SEO agency but have abandoned the ship since a couple of months ago. With me, you will get a competitively-priced service with a friendly approach. You can view and order my packages from Fiverr For ease of communication, please write to me on Fiverr as I have my auto notifications enabled. I recommend my monthly package with all extras as it literally contains virtually everything you need to rank. I look forward to working with you! Cheers
Affiliate Program <> sobota, 25 maja 2019, godzina 1910
Dear Partner, This is David Wright from Business Development Department Woorke, A Digital Marketing One Stop Shop We would like to invite you to join our Affiliate Program just refer visitors to Woorke and earn 90% Commission for each Sale! You can moniter the campaign through our Unique Dashboard and can track each records. You will get 150 day's cookie tracking and custom affiliate build available Join our Affiliate Program and we are looking forward to your positive reply. Best Regards David Wright Woorke
Affiliate Program <> piątek, 31 maja 2019, godzina 0203
Dear team, My name is David Wright, and I am the affiliate manager for Woorke, A Digital Marketing One Stop Shop After reviewing your site, I definitely see a lot of potential to work together. I would like to invite you to join our affiliate program at a starting commission rate of 90% on each Sale. If you have any questions about our affiliate program, Please contact Us. Looking forward to working with you. Thanks, David Wright Affiliate Program Manager
Pittman <> piątek, 31 maja 2019, godzina 2246
I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out. With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on. I can review up to 50 products at most. I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address. I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig). Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name. This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias. It will take me about a month to complete the review. The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.
Rader <> wtorek, 4 czerwca 2019, godzina 2145
Hello Mate, You are in SEO industry and ofcourse you want SEO Tools for your daily tasks, but buying all tools are very EXPENSIVE. I am now OFFER you all SEO TOP TOOLS in just $27/month. INSTANT access after payment. You can TRIAL the system for one day at just $1. For more detail please visit: Regards,
Selby <> piątek, 7 czerwca 2019, godzina 1919
I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out. With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on. I can review up to 50 products at most. I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address. I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig). Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name. This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias. It will take me about a month to complete the review. The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.
Melson <> niedziela, 25 sierpnia 2019, godzina 2301
Hi guys I am reaching out to you to see whether you would be interested in our CBD and vape shop databases? At the moment, we have the following databases: Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List Global Hemp and CBD Shops Database with Contact Details A lot of ejuice and CBD brands, wholesalers and manufacturers are using our databases for expanding their B2B business. The list includes the likes of The Milkman, Five Pawns, CBD FX, Meet Harmony, Dinner Lady, Marina Vape, and many others. All of our databases are on promotion for another week. Many thanks for your time and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!
Negron <> niedziela, 22 września 2019, godzina 1255
Would you be interested in advertising that costs less than $40 monthly and sends tons of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Please send me a reply here: and I'll send more details.
Trask <> środa, 2 października 2019, godzina 0923
September 2019 - We have scraped a brand new CBD and Vape Shop Database. The brand new CBD and Vape Shop Database contains approximately 22,000 entries of vape and cbd shops, wholesalers, manufacturers and related businesses. We have decided to add the vape companies due to the close connection between CBD and vape products. An increasing number of CBD companies are now producing CBD vape juice and likewise, an increasing number of vape shops are selling CBD products such as CBD e-juices, gummies, salves, oil and others. Learn more and download your latest copy of the database here:
Gall <> piątek, 4 października 2019, godzina 0016
Are You interested in an advertising service that costs less than $50 monthly and sends thousands of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Please send me a reply here: and I'll send more details.
Shoemaker <> wtorek, 15 października 2019, godzina 2013 - より「リアルな造形&感触」を追求し、実現に成功し、等身大オリジナルラブドールやダッチワイフを販売しています。シームレス・ドール・メーカー。アルテトキオです。 リアルドール エルフドール リアルラブドール エルフドール ラブドール エルフドール アダルトドール エルフドール リアルドール アダルトドール
Rowcroft <> poniedziałek, 11 listopada 2019, godzina 0639
Looking for effective online marketing that isn't full of BS? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your promotional message to sites via their contact pages just like you're getting this ad right now. You can specify targets by keyword or just execute bulk blasts to sites in the country of your choice. So let's say you would like to blast an ad to all the interior decorators in the USA, we'll scrape websites for just those and post your promo to them. As long as you're advertising a product or service that's relevant to that business category then you'll get awesome results! Send a reply to for details on how this works
Hatch <> niedziela, 24 listopada 2019, godzina 0221
Dear Sir/Madam, Have you obtained stunning e-mails from Amazon informing you that your listing is being ended as a result of infringe some brand name's license? I fully recognized the anxiety and also disturbed when your finest marketing listing or shop was outlawed due to the fact that I am running a store in Amazon too! It truly makes my heart pounding like crazy when obtaining those emails! No fear now! As we obtained the innovation to recoup/ appeal your prohibited list. Initial price US$ 200.0/ listing Please call: skype: live: sales_89588. for quotation. Appears increditable? Repayment by Paypal as well as 100% reimbursement to you otherwise sucessful. 100% protected and also self-confidence. Best concerns,. Matthew. HKSEO Ltd. HKSEO Established in 2010, we are specialized in SEO advertising as well as a leading Amazon company to clients in a wide variety of sectors.
Hose <> środa, 27 listopada 2019, godzina 0838
Looking for fresh buyers? Get hundreds of people who are ready to buy sent directly to your website. Boost revenues quick. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. To get info send a reply to:
Kossak <> poniedziałek, 23 grudnia 2019, godzina 0539
Explode your B2B sales with our Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List. Our Global Vape Shop Database contains contact details of over 22,000 cbd and vape stores from around the world and will help you to connect with thousands of vape shops in a click of a button! Our vape shop leads comes in an Excel spreadsheet and cover the most of the world! You will receive a copy of the Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List. This vape store database contains contact details for practically all the vape shops in English and non-English speaking countries, including USA, UK, Germany, France, Australia, South Africa, Canada, parts of Europe, Asia, Russia and CIS and the rest of the world. The vape shop leads come in an Excel .csv file and contain the following data: emails, websites, telephone numbers, addresses and social media links. The e-cigarette shop database is ideal for connecting vape wholesalers, manufacturers and e-liquid brands with vape shops. In addition to these vapor store leads, we also have individual databases of CBD stores, health food shops, convenience stores, supermarkets and an email list of ALL vape companies in the world. Our global vape shop database partially covers CBD shops because some vape shops sell CBD products. The entire data base is created using our proprietary Search Engine Scraper by Creative Bear Tech, the most advanced website and search engine scraper on the market that allows us to scrape comprehensive and niche-targeted marketing lists.
Souza <> sobota, 28 grudnia 2019, godzina 0855
Hi I have a question, i see a lot of products on this site that you also sell in your store. But there items are 23% cheaper, well my question is what is the difference between your shop and theirs, is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me! Sincerely "Sent from my iPhone"
Rickman <> piątek, 24 stycznia 2020, godzina 1404
Are you trying to find effective online promotion that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your advertising text to sites through their contact pages just like you're reading this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just execute mass blasts to websites in any country you choose. So let's assume you would like to push through a message to all the plumbing companies in the United States, we'll grab websites for only those and post your ad text to them. As long as you're advertising a product or service that's relevant to that type of business then your business will get an awesome result! Send a quick message to to get info and prices
Bladen <> środa, 5 lutego 2020, godzina 0431
Are you trying to find powerful online marketing that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your promotional text to sites through their contact pages just like you're receiving this note right now. You can specify targets by keyword or just execute bulk blasts to sites in the country of your choice. So let's assume you would like to blast an ad to all the real estate agents in the US, we'll scrape websites for just those and post your ad message to them. Providing you're advertising a product or service that's relevant to that type of business then you'll be blessed with an amazing response! Send a reply to to get details about how we do this
Fernando <> sobota, 15 lutego 2020, godzina 2115
Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!
Kiernan <> wtorek, 18 lutego 2020, godzina 0238
Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!
Uhr <> sobota, 22 lutego 2020, godzina 1344
Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!
Swanston <> poniedziałek, 16 marca 2020, godzina 2115
Good evening, I was just on your site and filled out your feedback form. The feedback page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is the reason you are reading my message right now correct? This is the holy grail with any type of online ad, making people actually READ your message and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to promote to tons of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even target your required niches and my costs are super reasonable. Send a reply to:
Wiegand <> piątek, 20 marca 2020, godzina 0456
List with a VAPE STORE DIRECTORY to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "VAPE STORE DIRECTORY".
Rayburn <> piątek, 20 marca 2020, godzina 1727
List with a CBD Shop Directory to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "CBD Shop Directory".
Alderson <> piątek, 20 marca 2020, godzina 1745
Increase your B2B sales by connecting with all the vape shops in the world. Google: Germany Vape Shop Database
Eudy <> piątek, 20 marca 2020, godzina 2302
Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories. Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.
Burkhart <> wtorek, 24 marca 2020, godzina 0415
Fresh from their recent success at a series of major UK award shows, Green Stem CBD has expanded their award-winning CBD enhanced range to include first-to-market CBD infused tonic waters free from sugar, artificial sweeteners and artificial flavourings. Each can delivers 10mg of the highest quality broad-spectrum CBD and come in three delicious botanical flavours that include Elderflower, Rhubarb & Rose and Citrus. Recommended retail price is £3.00 per can. CBD – also known as cannabidiol – is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Revered to promote harmonious balance between the mind and body it also supports with an array of conditions including anxiety and insomnia. Crucially, Green Stem CBD products are 100% free of THC, the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, so they are entirely legal and safe to use. The 250ml cans of tonic are adorned with the same beautiful artwork and design that have made Green Stem one of the most visible CBD companies in the UK and reflect the quality and purity of the ingredients in the can. The tonic contains extracts of Quassia, a West Indian bitter wood which is known for its zesty flavour and health benefits. Added to the blend is Cinchona bark, one of the most important ingredients in tonic thanks to its high level of digestion-aiding quinine – with Green Stem being amongst the first to use botanically-infused quinine vs chemical extraction. Manufactured at their HQ in Guildford, Surrey, the Green Stem CBD range is crafted using hemp oil rich in phytocannabinoids, derived from hemp grown organically in Colorado USA. All products are also thoroughly tested, enabling the proven health benefits of CBD to be experienced without any negative side effects. Setting new standards in the industry, Green Stem CBD recently won a clutch of awards at the UK Hemp and CBD Show, winning Best CBD Oil at events in March and October in 2019. “We are delighted to have been recognised as one of the game-changers in the wellness industry this year with our award-winning CBD oils, inhalable and skincare products,” said Brett Horth, CEO of Green Stem CBD. “Our new venture into the edibles and drinks sector marks a hugely exciting stage in our journey, and we are certain that our customers will enjoy experiencing the benefits of CBD with these innovative new products.” Read more at
Monash <> wtorek, 24 marca 2020, godzina 1723
Explode your wholesale sales with a click of a button. Google: Vitamins and Supplements Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer B2B Marketing Data
Bischof <> sobota, 28 marca 2020, godzina 0556
Hello My name is Sergey and I am a founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Market place where you can easily purchase and offer all types of online services ranging from back links and guest post to explainer videos, infographics and articles for your website. I strongly believe that you and can really benefit from Sweaty Quid, no matter if you wish to supply your services or employ the services of freelancers to assist you to expand your business. I have been a freelancer on a number of marketplaces for in excess of 5 years and have had my accounts randomly shut down, my incomes pocketed and I simply had a tough time with lots of poor quality freelancers. After much disappointment, I decided to start up my very own freelance marketplace that would do things in a different way and a lot better. After almost one year of caffeinne powered evenings, myself and my team at Creative Bear Tech have developed Sweaty Quid from ground up. One month into our launch we have managed to draw in a really good number of professional freelancers and an exceptionally high number of repeat customers. I believe this functions as a confirmation to our success. Sweaty Quid is a spam-free and transparent marketplace for quality freelancers and buyers. We are rigorously banning all spammy vendors who do not pass our quality threshold and leave only the absolute best ones. Keeping abreast of the most recent technologcal changes, we also accept cryptocurrency as one of our payment methods. Our ethos that defines us is that sometimes less is more, particularly when it comes to quality freelancers. We are still very new in contrast to other freelance market places, but we are already punching above our weight. I would love to welcome you personally to join Sweaty Quid Freelancer Market Place! Kind regards Sergey Greenfields Founder of Sweaty Quid Freelancer Marketplace Flat 9, 1 Jardine Rd, St Katharine's & Wapping, London E1W 3WD, United Kingdom
Thow <> sobota, 28 marca 2020, godzina 0854
Guaranteed SoloAd Mailer - 4000 Clicks/800 Leads - Sales Guaranteed 2020 SPECIAL: Get Double The Clicks On Any Solo Ad Purchased! If you don't make sales then I keep re-running your Solo Ad until you get sales. - 4000+ Unique Clicks Guaranteed - 800+ Leads Guaranteed - Detailed Email Click Tracking Included - Solo Ad Starts Same Day Purchased -------------------------------------------------------- Click Here For More Info ---> --------------------------------------------------------
Dobbie <> sobota, 28 marca 2020, godzina 2333
A Gift From Nature is a leader in the CBD industry. Located in Orlando, FL. A Gift From Nature has been formulating some of the highest quality CBD products in the market for the last three years. A Gift Form Nature is registered with the FDA and complies with good manufacturing practices. We currently produce 8 different brands with over 300 SKUs. We also provide raw material, White Label Services and Co packing. A Gift From Nature goes to great depths to source the highest quality natural ingredients for formulation. A Gift From Nature is really a seed-to-shelve company. All hemp extracts are sourced from extractors using American grown hemp. Every batch of extracts are vigorously third party tested for potency, terpenes, pesticides, bacteria, as well as residual solvents. A Gift From Nature believes in offering only the highest quality and cleanest products to our customers, so we solely rely on CO2 extraction, for its non-toxic characteristics.
Mohiuddin <> niedziela, 29 marca 2020, godzina 1259
Yes! You read that right! We put our new magazine up on our website for FREE! We made it 3D but you can also download it for free as a PDF and read it whenever you like, even without internet. You can view it online or download it for free from here: We also have a few more advertising spaces left for our next issue. If you like what you see and would like to advertise your brand or range of products with us, get in touch with me below. Look forward to hearing from you, Tops Mohiuddin Email: Follow Us On Twitter - Follow Us On Instagram - Subscribe To Us On YouTube -
Niland <> piątek, 3 kwietnia 2020, godzina 0319
Hey n95 masks directly from our factory in U.S.A. We have large stocks. Order here Regards "Sent from my Huawai phone"
Edwards <> sobota, 4 kwietnia 2020, godzina 1416
Increase your B2B sales by connecting with all the vape shops in the world. Google: Global Hemp and CBD Shops Database with Contact Details
Schreffler <> poniedziałek, 6 kwietnia 2020, godzina 0912
List with a VAPE STORE DIRECTORY to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "VAPE STORE DIRECTORY".
Walcott <> poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2020, godzina 0936
Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories. Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.
Gresswell <> wtorek, 12 maja 2020, godzina 0339
Hello, Our company makes handmade Large world globes that can be customized for your brand, company or interior design Please let me know if you would be interested in a custom large world globe and we can send more information. Thank you. Best regards, Remus Gall Globemaker at Project manager at Biodomes +40 721 448 830 Skype ID Str. Vonhaz nr 2/a Carei, Romania ----------------------------- delete your site
Lefler <> niedziela, 17 maja 2020, godzina 0640
The analysis of the critical situation in the world may help Your business. We don't give advice on how to run it. We highlight key points from the flow of conflicting information. We call this situation: "Big Brother operation". Fact: pandemics; Agenda: control over the human population; Aim: reduction of the population; Who: a group of vested interests. Means: genetic engineering of viruses and vaccines; production of nanobots; mass-media communication satellites; big data; A.I.; global wi-fi. Ways: use and/or elaborate a pandemic carrier; mass media scares the population; load vaccines with nanobots; mandatory vaccination; control and direct humans. Thank You for the time of reading our unsolicited message! God bless You. See See:
Herrera <> czwartek, 28 maja 2020, godzina 2205
Good afternoon, I was just taking a look at your website and submitted this message via your "contact us" form. The feedback page on your site sends you messages like this to your email account which is the reason you're reading through my message right now right? This is half the battle with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your advertisement and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an advertisement you would like to blast out to millions of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or anywhere in the world let me know, I can even target your required niches and my charges are very low. Reply here:
Bui <> niedziela, 31 maja 2020, godzina 0401
TRIFECTA! A novel that starches your emotional – erotic itch! Against a background of big business, deceit, frustration, oppression drives a wide range of emotions as three generations of women from the same family, turn to the same man for emotional support and physical gratification! A wife deceives her husband while searching for her true sexuality! What motivates the wife’s mother and son-in-law to enter into a relationship? The wife’s collage age daughter, with tender guidance from her step-father, achieves fulfillment! Does this describe a dysfunctional family? Or is this unspoken social issues of modern society? BLOCKBUSTER Opening! A foursome of two pair of lesbians playing golf. A little hanky – panky, while searching for a lost ball out of bounds. Trifecta has more turns and twist than our intestines. Trifecta! Combination of my personal experiences and creativity. for “CLICK & VIEW” VIDEO. Send me your commits. Available amazon, book retailers. Trifecta! by James Pope
Wakehurst <> sobota, 6 czerwca 2020, godzina 1504
You Can DOUBLE Your Productivity For Life In Under 48 Hours And when it comes to changing your life, there's nothing more important to fixing your productivity. Think about it. If you're twice as productive, then, as far as your environment supports it, you're going to make at least twice as much. However, the growth is almost always exponential. So expect even more income, free time, and the ability to decide what you want to do at any given moment. Here's the best course I've seen on this subject: It's a fun and pretty short read... and it has the potential to change your life in 48 hours from now. Michael Hehn
O'Keeffe <> sobota, 6 czerwca 2020, godzina 2122
Good morning, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your contact form. The contact page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is why you're reading through my message at this moment correct? This is the most important accomplishment with any type of online ad, making people actually READ your ad and this is exactly what you're doing now! If you have something you would like to blast out to lots of websites via their contact forms in the US or to any country worldwide send me a quick note now, I can even target specific niches and my charges are super low. Send a message to: cease seeing these ads on your web contact page
de Bakker <> niedziela, 7 czerwca 2020, godzina 1438
Hi To confirm your seat at the Live webinar from Carol Bell & Michel de Bakker on Jun 9, 2020 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada), Send an email to to reserve your seat. What You Get on This live Webinar from Carol Bell & Michel de Bakker from MicaTech Coaching. 5 expensive mistakes many business owners make when doing their own marketing online... How to know if you are targeting the wrong keywords... What to do if you have no idea what you should be doing... How to create a marketing plan and stop wasting time on things that don’t work... How to know if you are missing one of the most important components of your marketing ... Regards Carol Bell & Michel de Bakker "Sent from my iPhone"
Tang <> poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2020, godzina 0817
No more paying way too much money for overpriced Facebook advertising! I can show you a system that requires only a very small bit of cash and produces an almost indefinite volume of web visitors to your website For more information just visit:
Kaler <> czwartek, 11 czerwca 2020, godzina 0648
Want more visitors for your website? Receive thousands of people who are ready to buy sent directly to your website. Boost revenues fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. To get info Have a look at:
Flower <> sobota, 13 czerwca 2020, godzina 0709
Interested in the latest fitness , wellness, nutrition trends? Check out my blog here: And my Instagram page @ziptofitness
Lapine <> niedziela, 14 czerwca 2020, godzina 0557
Hello Admin, YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS for your: My name is Trinidad Lapine, and I'm a Web Traffic Specialist. I can get: - visitors from search engines - visitors from social media - visitors from any country you want - very low bounce rate & long visit duration CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST => Do not forget to read Review to convince you, is already being tested by many people who have trusted it !! Przegląd Urologiczny - Pęcherz nadreaktywny i naglące nietrzymanie moczu - choroba jednostki czy choroba społeczeństwa. Etiologia i leczenie
Sellars <> poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2020, godzina 2334
ABOLISH REACTIVE DEPRESSION AND EMERGE FROM ITS DEEP, DARK, BLACK HOLE? • Do you feel this came from the beginnings of a dysfunctional family system? • Or did this come from the loss of a beloved job or loved one? • Or did this come from dire effects from the disease of Alcoholism? • Or did this come from the brainwashing attempts of a fearful and angry world, i.e. terroristic recruitment? Do you know that whatever caused this DEEP, DARK, BLACK HOLE OF DEPRESSION which may have come from a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN can cease its influence over your life? Yes, you do not have to live buried in negative thinking from the defeat from negative life experiences in your life. Please know that any tragic experiences from childhood to adulthood need no longer affect your chance to gain emotional wellbeing. Instead, now you have the opportunity to be HAPPY and in PEACEFUL CONTROL OF YOUR OWN DESTINY with only the memory of what once ailed you. Now is the time to overcome depression and begin to take control over your life. Not only that, you alone have the opportunity to reverse negative thinking and achieve your very own POSITIVE BELIEF SYSTEM. PLEASE NOTE: Your views on spirituality or religion will not prevent you from successfully implementing your own PARENTAL SELF-LOVE PROCESS to ACHIEVE PURPOSE, MOTIVATION, GOOD SELF-ESTEEM, SUCCESS, AND MORE. Yes, like Lin Tillman did, you too can ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOU ASKED FOR and make meaningful and healthy contributions to this planet. You can learn more about Lin’s journey in her book The Invisible Girl & GOD, where she shares her TRUE STORY of how she healed herself from an agonizing depression with suicidal ideations. GO TO: to learn more
Casey <> niedziela, 21 czerwca 2020, godzina 1049
EROTICA becomes REALITY!!! Stepping Stones to the ARCH De Pleasure Men, put your feet in James Pope’s shoes, women put your feet in the women’s shoes I encounter, as I traveled the road from farm-to-MATTRESONAME! Stepping Stones is my third novel in a 3, connected, series. 1- Post Hole Digger! 2-Trifecta! “CLICK & VIEW videos. Search:, title - author
Quam <> poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2020, godzina 0002
YOU NEED FREE PROXIES ? We provide great lists of free public proxy servers with different protocols to unblock contents, bypass restrictions or surf anonymously. Enjoy the unique features that only our page have on all the internet. All proxies work at the moment the list is updated. MORE INFO HERE=>
Akhurst <> wtorek, 23 czerwca 2020, godzina 1018
How would you like to promote your website for literally no cost? Check this out:
Manzi <> środa, 1 lipca 2020, godzina 1835
Stem cell therapy has proven itself to be one of the most effective treatments for Parkinson's Disease. IMC is the leader in stem cell therapies in Mexico. For more information on how we can treat Parkinson's Disease please visit:
Woods <> wtorek, 7 lipca 2020, godzina 2336
TITLE: Are YOU Building Your Own DREAMS Or Has SOMEONE ELSE Hired You To Build THEIRS?  DESCRIPTION: Have you ever looked at sites like Google or Facebook and asked yourself…“How can they make SO MUCH MONEY when they aren’t even really selling any products?!?!” Well, Google and Facebook are cashing in on their platforms. They’re taking advantage of the millions of people who come to their sites…Then view and click the ads on their pages. Those sites have turned into billion dollar companies by getting paid to send traffic to businesses. Did You Know That More People Have Become Millionaires In The Past Year Than Ever Before? Did You Know You Can Make Money By Becoming A Traffic Affiliate? Watch Our Video & Discover The Easy 1-Step System Our Members Are Using To Get Paid Daily. URL:
Chambers <> sobota, 11 lipca 2020, godzina 1915
Hi My package was damaged for the second time. I made a photo so that you can see what I mean. I hope you can help me solve this problem. Sincerely Franklyn Chambers "Sent from my Android Phone"
Oquinn <> wtorek, 14 lipca 2020, godzina 0709
Hello I have received multiple emails from your marketing team enquiring about guest posting on Vape Life Mag. Here are our guidelines: We also charge a ÂŁ100 admin fee. Regards Vape Life Mag Editorial Team
Chapa <> środa, 15 lipca 2020, godzina 1953
The best SEO & Most Powerful link building software for your business. I just checked out your website and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ? If you aren't using SEO Software then you will know the amount of work load involved in creating accounts, confirming emails and submitting your contents to thousands of websites. With THIS SOFTWARE the link submission process will be the easiest task and completely automated, you will be able to build unlimited number of links and increase traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, We offer you 7 days free trial =>
Nilsen <> czwartek, 16 lipca 2020, godzina 2350
Good morning, I was just on your website and submitted this message via your "contact us" form. The contact page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is the reason you are reading through my message at this moment correct? This is the most important accomplishment with any kind of online ad, making people actually READ your message and I did that just now with you! If you have an advertisement you would like to blast out to thousands of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even focus on particular niches and my prices are very low. Shoot me an email here:
Burton <> środa, 22 lipca 2020, godzina 0317
YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS for your: My name is Arlie Burton, and I'm a Web Traffic Specialist. I can get: - visitors from search engines - visitors from social media - visitors from any country you want - very low bounce rate & long visit duration CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST =>
Hess <> sobota, 25 lipca 2020, godzina 0124
Stem cell therapy has proven itself to be one of the most effective treatments for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder). IMC is the leader in stem cell therapies in Mexico. For more information on how we can treat COPD please visit:
Orr <> sobota, 25 lipca 2020, godzina 0839
Greetings, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your contact form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is why you're reading my message right now right? That's half the battle with any kind of online ad, making people actually READ your ad and this is exactly what you're doing now! If you have an ad message you would like to blast out to lots of websites via their contact forms in the US or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even focus on particular niches and my charges are super low. Shoot me an email here: I want off this list now
Moseley <> niedziela, 26 lipca 2020, godzina 1159
Hello, We are a great team from Palma de Mallorca (Spain) who are offering gorgeous holiday houses for rent, at special prices. We offer large experience in the field- more than 15 years , high quality services, 24h assistance and speaking languages like Spanish, English and German. This could be the vacation of your dream that is what you deserve this year, therefore you will find the best offers of absolutely beautiful villas in the island just visiting our website and feel free to contact us, via phone or email. See you soon!
Sandlin <> poniedziałek, 27 lipca 2020, godzina 0923
Have you had enough of expensive PPC advertising? Now you can post your ad on 10,000 ad websites and it'll cost you less than $40. Get unlimited traffic forever! Check out our site now:
Campa <> czwartek, 30 lipca 2020, godzina 0550
Would you be interested in an advertising service that costs less than $49 per month and delivers hundreds of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Check out:
Kidwell <> sobota, 8 sierpnia 2020, godzina 0624
What measures do you have in place for your clients who don't qualify? The Credit Plug has a funded proposal for your lost/dead clients to get their credit back on track with the fastest turnaround in the industry and you gaining another loyal customer that potentially put $100 back into your business! This is a 15 year company with a great rating with the BBB. You're 1 click away from discovering the"$100 per closed lead potential" available to your. The best part is you don't do the work, simply become an agent for the greatest financial gain or partner as a referral source instantly. Over the span of a lifetime, the average American will pay upwards of $1 million in extra expenses, because of a poor credit score... Don't Let this be your customers. Want to monetize your dead leads?
Morehouse <> czwartek, 13 sierpnia 2020, godzina 0320
How would you like to promote your website for absolutely no cost at all? Check this out:
Komine <> wtorek, 25 sierpnia 2020, godzina 0515
YOU NEED FAST PROXY SERVERS ? Check it out this Anonymous and Private Proxy Servers. HTTP & SOCKS5 Proxy supported. IP Authentication or Password Authentication available. HERE:
Willey <> środa, 26 sierpnia 2020, godzina 1744
YOU NEED FAST PROXY SERVERS ? Check it out this Anonymous and Private Proxy Servers. HTTP & SOCKS5 Proxy supported. IP Authentication or Password Authentication available. HERE:
Balke <> piątek, 4 września 2020, godzina 1118
Hi, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your "contact us" form. The contact page on your site sends you messages like this to your email account which is the reason you are reading through my message right now correct? That's half the battle with any type of online ad, making people actually READ your message and this is exactly what you're doing now! If you have an advertisement you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even target particular niches and my charges are very affordable. Write an email to:
Cosh <> poniedziałek, 7 września 2020, godzina 0635
Hello I hope this email finds you well. I am the owner of a small boutique and we are now looking to expand our wholesale sales and conduct a guest post outreach for SEO. I have come across your comment on this website regarding CBT Yelp Website Scraper Software. Would you recommend this software? I can see that many people have gotten good results but I thought I would ask you first-hand for my own peace of mind. Thank you very much for your assistance. I look forward to your response. Kind regards Dalary
Siggers <> piątek, 11 września 2020, godzina 1144
Greetings, I was just on your website and submitted this message via your feedback form. The contact page on your site sends you these messages via email which is why you are reading my message at this moment right? That's the most important achievement with any kind of advertising, making people actually READ your ad and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an advertisement you would like to promote to lots of websites via their contact forms in the US or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even target your required niches and my charges are very low. Send a message to: delete these messages from your website
Radke <> sobota, 12 września 2020, godzina 0022
Quit paying 1000's of dollars for overpriced Google advertising! I can show you a method that charges only a very small bit of money and results in an almost endless volume of visitors to your website Check out our site now:
Musquito <> sobota, 12 września 2020, godzina 1133
Greetings, I was just visiting your site and filled out your feedback form. The feedback page on your site sends you these messages via email which is why you're reading my message right now correct? That's the most important achievement with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your advertisement and this is exactly what you're doing now! If you have an ad message you would like to blast out to lots of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide send me a quick note now, I can even focus on specific niches and my charges are very low. Send a reply to: stop receiving these messages on your website website contact form
Starr <> sobota, 12 września 2020, godzina 2129
I WILL FIND POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR YOU I’m talking about a better promotion method than all that exists on the market right now, even better than email marketing. Just like you received this message from me, this is exactly how you can promote your business or product. CLAIM YOUR TEST PERIOD =>
Probert <> niedziela, 13 września 2020, godzina 2020
Learn how to create fast loading landing pages at no cost. Unlimited hosting and bandwidth for free here ==>
Trenerry <> czwartek, 1 października 2020, godzina 1657
Good afternoon, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your "contact us" form. The contact page on your site sends you these messages via email which is why you are reading my message at this moment correct? That's the most important accomplishment with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your ad and this is exactly what you're doing now! If you have something you would like to blast out to tons of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even target specific niches and my costs are very reasonable. Send a message to:
Hare <> środa, 14 października 2020, godzina 0309
Hi, I was just taking a look at your site and filled out your feedback form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you messages like this via email which is why you are reading my message at this moment right? That's half the battle with any kind of online ad, getting people to actually READ your advertisement and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an ad message you would like to promote to lots of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even target particular niches and my charges are super reasonable. Send a message to: unsubscribe me
Callanan <> sobota, 17 października 2020, godzina 1448
Hi, I’m Jarred, Callanan I am contacting you on behalf of Natural Apiary. Natural Apiary is offering an affiliate program that allows you to create links and earn referral fees when customer clicks through and buy products. It’s completely free to join and easy to use. Give your websites visitors the ease of referring them to a trusted site where they can purchase products you advertise. And when they do, you can earn up to 17% of their total purchase. Take advantage of Natural Apiary retail promotions and drive traffic and earn commissions. Click here: Kind Regards,
Wagner <> poniedziałek, 26 października 2020, godzina 2108
YOU NEED FAST PROXY SERVERS ? Check it out this Anonymous and Private Proxy Servers. HTTP & SOCKS5 Proxy supported. IP Authentication or Password Authentication available. HERE:
Aviles <> czwartek, 12 listopada 2020, godzina 1248
Hi, I was just on your website and filled out your feedback form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you these messages via email which is the reason you're reading through my message right now right? That's half the battle with any type of advertising, making people actually READ your ad and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to blast out to millions of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide send me a quick note now, I can even target your required niches and my prices are very low. Write an email to:
Kenneally <> piątek, 13 listopada 2020, godzina 0504
Simms <> niedziela, 15 listopada 2020, godzina 1448
Ketcham <> środa, 9 grudnia 2020, godzina 0627
SPECIAL PRICE OFFER GENUINE PARTS BMW, MERCEDES, PORSCHE & VAG December 2020 Up to 50% off Bulk sale through December Dear Sirs, Please check our December Special Price offer for the genuine auto part from Germany All prices are in euros. Delivery time 14-21 days. validity period of special prices until 25.12.20 Download Price Lists: We apologize in advance if our offer did not interest you and/or it caused inconvenience.
Monroy <> czwartek, 17 grudnia 2020, godzina 2024
NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR HOSTING ? Check Out Our Coupons for This Month & Get Your Domain, Hosting and SSLs For Less! Namecheap Offers Amazing Deals That Save You Money Across Our Product Range! Best Value Web Products. 20 Years Serving You. Free WhoisGuard. #1 for Value Vs. Others. Check Out Our Coupons for This Month =>
Haygood <> piątek, 18 grudnia 2020, godzina 1920
NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR HOSTING ? Check Out Our Coupons for This Month & Get Your Domain, Hosting and SSLs For Less! Namecheap Offers Amazing Deals That Save You Money Across Our Product Range! Best Value Web Products. 20 Years Serving You. Free WhoisGuard. #1 for Value Vs. Others. Check Out Our Coupons for This Month =>
Vargas <> sobota, 19 grudnia 2020, godzina 0238
Would you like no charge advertising for your website? Check out:
Coungeau <> sobota, 19 grudnia 2020, godzina 0947
NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR HOSTING ? Check Out Our Coupons for This Month & Get Your Domain, Hosting and SSLs For Less! Namecheap Offers Amazing Deals That Save You Money Across Our Product Range! Best Value Web Products. 20 Years Serving You. Free WhoisGuard. #1 for Value Vs. Others. Check Out Our Coupons for This Month =>
Tang <> wtorek, 22 grudnia 2020, godzina 0024
Want free traffic? Let me show you five high traffic sites where you can promote your website completely free:
McGarvie <> niedziela, 27 grudnia 2020, godzina 1533
Get traffic for your online business, local shop/service or blog for totally free. This post will show you 5 cool ways to get free unlimited ads for your business:
Goloubev <> poniedziałek, 4 stycznia 2021, godzina 1724
Interested in an advertising service that charges less than $50 every month and sends thousands of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Check out:
Sharland <> piątek, 8 stycznia 2021, godzina 2152
Hello YOU NEED HELP FOR SEO LINK BUILDING? I just checked out your website, and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ? We offer you the BEST SEO STRATEGY for 2021, my name is Summer, and I'm a SEO Specialist. Build unlimited number of Backlinks and increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. If You Are Interested, I'm waiting for your response here => Thanks, SEO Specialist
Gist <> środa, 20 stycznia 2021, godzina 1125
Good Day I have just analyzed domain: for the current search visibility and saw that your website could use a push. We will increase your SEO metrics and ranks organically and safely, using only whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support. Please check our plans here, we offer SEO at cheap rates. Start improving your sales and leads with us, today! regards Mike Gist Speed SEO Digital Team
Peoples <> środa, 20 stycznia 2021, godzina 1945
Hello, I was just taking a look at your site and submitted this message via your "contact us" form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you messages like this to your email account which is the reason you are reading through my message right now correct? This is the most important achievement with any kind of online ad, getting people to actually READ your advertisement and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an ad message you would like to promote to lots of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even focus on your required niches and my charges are super reasonable. Reply here:
Winchester <> niedziela, 24 stycznia 2021, godzina 0633
Hello YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH: - 100% safe for your site - real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters - visitors from Search Engine (by keyword) - visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals) - visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…) - very low bounce rate - very long visit duration - multiple pages visited - tractable in google analytics - custom URL tracking provided - boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> Thanks, Rudolph Winchester
Biddle <> poniedziałek, 25 stycznia 2021, godzina 0807
Wanna post your business on 1000's of Advertising sites every month? For a small monthly payment you can get almost endless traffic to your site forever! To find out more check out our site here:
Fullwood <> piątek, 29 stycznia 2021, godzina 0729
Find out how you can promote your site without paying anything at all! Have a look at this amazing list consisting of the most popular directory websites now >
Gibney <> niedziela, 31 stycznia 2021, godzina 1634
Hello YOU NEED FAST PROXY SERVERS ? Check it out this Anonymous and Private Proxy Servers. - HTTP & SOCKS5 Proxy supported. - IP Authentication or Password Authentication available. - MORE INFO HERE: Thanks, Bess Gibney If you no longer wish to hear from us, please reply this email.
MacMahon <> sobota, 6 lutego 2021, godzina 0529
Ever tried to create Voice-overs for your videos? You’ve likely discovered: 👉Freelance Voice-over Artists are expensive 👉 It can take days for them to deliver 👉’Text To Speech’ sounds like a lifeless Robot - not anymore!. Listen to a demo now. Just reply to this email:
McDonald <> wtorek, 16 lutego 2021, godzina 0054
Hello YOU NEED HELP TO BUILD SEO LINKS FOR: ? I just checked out your website, and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ? WE OFFER YOU THE BEST SEO STRATEGY FOR 2021. Build an unlimited number of Backlinks and increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. If You Are Interested, I'm waiting for your response here => Thanks, Louisa McDonald
Walton <> niedziela, 7 marca 2021, godzina 0528
Hello YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH: - 100% safe for your site - real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters - visitors from Search Engine (by keyword) - visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals) - visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…) - very low bounce rate - very long visit duration - multiple pages visited - tractable in google analytics - custom URL tracking provided - boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> Thanks, Eugenia Walton
Butt <> sobota, 10 kwietnia 2021, godzina 1613
It’s tough to discover professional people in this distinct topic, however, you seem such as you know what you’re referring to! Thanks
Mcintyre <> poniedziałek, 7 czerwca 2021, godzina 2332
Hey, My name is Tyler and I work with Challenger social. We work with businesses like yours to help you rank first on google, increase leads and reduce your marketing budget while improving results with optimized ad-words and SEO - meaning that you only spend money on marketing that gets you results. For instance, we helped multiple clients & trusted companies increase their online leads by 102% while also cutting the cost of each lead in half. Helping them to increase their market share and profit. (Link to case studies - I’d love to help do the same for you! Do you mind if I send over a few times for a quick call to see if it's a good fit? Excited! Thanks, Tyler
Witmer <> czwartek, 10 czerwca 2021, godzina 0308
Hello YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: ? We Provide Website Traffic 100% safe for your site, from Search Engines or Social Media Sites from any country you want. With this traffic, you can boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> Thanks, Ambrose Witmer
Dunhill <> piątek, 11 czerwca 2021, godzina 0020
Hello YOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: ? We Provide Website Traffic 100% safe for your site, from Search Engines or Social Media Sites from any country you want. With this traffic, you can boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> Thanks, Mariel Dunhill
Torode <> środa, 14 lipca 2021, godzina 1907
You won't believe how easy it is to get free advertising on Google. Here's 20 Clever Ways to Get Free Advertising on Google & Beyond:
Estes <> czwartek, 15 lipca 2021, godzina 2215
Hello YOU NEED HELP TO BUILD SEO BACKLINKS FOR: ? WE SELL HIGH-QUALITY DOFOLLOW POWERFUL BACKLINKS WITH HIGH DOMAIN AUTHORITY, PA, TF, CF... ► Rank Higher In Google (google backlinks, DoFollow backlinks, SEO DoFollow backlinks) ► Rank Higher Video in Youtube & Google (youtube backlinks, video backlinks, video embedded) ► Rank Higher GMB In Google Maps (Google maps backlinks, GMB maps backlinks, GMB embedded, NAP embedded) ► Rank Higher Images In Google (google images backlinks, google backlinks) You Can Increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. CLAIM YOUR FREE TEST HERE => Thanks, Sophia Estes
Anthony <> piątek, 16 lipca 2021, godzina 1138
Hello YOU NEED HELP TO BUILD SEO BACKLINKS FOR: ? WE SELL HIGH-QUALITY DOFOLLOW POWERFUL BACKLINKS WITH HIGH DOMAIN AUTHORITY, PA, TF, CF... ► Rank Higher In Google (google backlinks, DoFollow backlinks, SEO DoFollow backlinks) ► Rank Higher Video in Youtube & Google (youtube backlinks, video backlinks, video embedded) ► Rank Higher GMB In Google Maps (Google maps backlinks, GMB maps backlinks, GMB embedded, NAP embedded) ► Rank Higher Images In Google (google images backlinks, google backlinks) You Can Increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. CLAIM YOUR FREE TEST HERE => Thanks, Julie Anthony
Hincks <> piątek, 23 lipca 2021, godzina 0922
Do you want more visits to your ? I succeeded and it works with this Fiverr gig
Stroud <> sobota, 24 lipca 2021, godzina 2141
New method to advertise doesn't involve any costs at all:
Coode <> poniedziałek, 26 lipca 2021, godzina 0234
This new method allows you to advertise for free on sites like Google. Find out more here:
Kula <> czwartek, 29 lipca 2021, godzina 0100
Ads that charge for clicks only make the ad companies rich. Here's a more common sense approach:
Burfitt <> sobota, 31 lipca 2021, godzina 0144
Why pay for ads when you can get them free? Here are 50 proven ways to get effective advertising for your site :
Arledge <> poniedziałek, 9 sierpnia 2021, godzina 1553
Effective And Free Ways To Advertise. Here Is A List... :
Taubman <> środa, 11 sierpnia 2021, godzina 0458
U fucking pedophile - sick fuck
Cozart <> środa, 25 sierpnia 2021, godzina 1137
Since everyone needs traffic to their websites, Google, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn are among the top 20 most visited sites in the world. There are so many other sites that you can get traffic to your site from that most marketers haven’t even considered. Here are 5 examples of high traffic sites that you can take advantage of and drive tons of free traffic back to your site.
Koch <> wtorek, 31 sierpnia 2021, godzina 1657
A maverick Japanese doctor recently leaked the secret ingredients of an ancient Japanese Tonic that targets the root cause of deep belly fat and activates a powerful little-known fat-burning hormone inside you…that MELTS away all your stubborn body fat. => Discover the “Done for You” Japanese Tonic to Melt 3 Pounds Every 3.5 Days ==>
Vandiver <> piątek, 3 września 2021, godzina 1143
Hi I have a question, i see a lot of products in this store that you also sell in your store, But there items are 59% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. Well my question is what is the difference between your shop. Is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me! Regards Jesenia Vandiver "Sent from my iPhone"
Highsmith <> niedziela, 5 września 2021, godzina 0333
How to earn extra cash with your website without doing a thing:
Lundberg <> wtorek, 14 września 2021, godzina 1923
When you hear the word advertising, paid methods most likely come to mind. Pay-per-click ads, affiliate marketing, hiring an SEO professional, and so on. It might surprise you to hear that not all methods of advertisement cost money — not even on Google. Here are 20 Clever Ways to Get Free Advertising on Google & Beyond:
Buckland <> czwartek, 16 września 2021, godzina 0330
7 Ways To Promote Your Business Online For Free :
Tinker <> niedziela, 19 września 2021, godzina 0302
Paid ads are a waste of money these days, clicks cost a fortune and you can never seem to get enough of them to justify the expense. This is why I have compiled this list of 20 ways you can advertise for free on sites like Google. Now I want to share it with the world. Click here to go ahead and view the PDF now:
Scoggins <> niedziela, 19 września 2021, godzina 0448
With over 3.5 billion searches per day, Google is a hotspot for consumers. And with its location-specific and rich results, it is ingrained in our daily lives as the go-to tool for, well, anything — getting the weather, buying tickets, finding products, vetting services, answering quick questions, seeing if a local store is open, and the list goes on. Here are some strategies your local business can implement to get on this highly trafficked search engine for free.
Frantz <> wtorek, 21 września 2021, godzina 2324
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Kitchens <> czwartek, 23 września 2021, godzina 0458
Imagine being able to upload a simple video to YouTube and start generating traffic & sales MINUTES later. You'll be able to dominate Page 1 of both Google & YouTube without creating a single backlink! Check it out:
Caple <> czwartek, 23 września 2021, godzina 1227
Now you can get thousands of high quality niche targeted website visitors for less than the price of a few clicks on Google. Find out more here:
Dark <> sobota, 25 września 2021, godzina 0611
There's not need to ever pay for clicks for your ad campaigns again. With this free system you'll leverage free highly effective sources instantly!
Armijo <> czwartek, 30 września 2021, godzina 0732
How To Advertise Online Without Paying A Dime :
Styers <> poniedziałek, 4 października 2021, godzina 0614
This web traffic costs one tenth to 1/100th the cost of Google Adwords and is high quality and targeted specifically for your keywords:
Perryman <> czwartek, 7 października 2021, godzina 0347
You nead Search engine advertising - Google AdWords campaigns from the expert team ONMA scout ? GOOGLE AD TIPS THAT MAKE YOU MORE MONEY. A properly implemented PPC campaign is vital for an advertiser to work for their conversions and profits. SEE HERE
Tijerina <> piątek, 8 października 2021, godzina 0320
If you've ever wondered how top companies leverage popular advertising platforms to get their ads for free then you need to read this article that shows 50 different ways how to do it:
Moen <> piątek, 8 października 2021, godzina 1132
You nead Search engine advertising - Google AdWords campaigns from the expert team ONMA scout ? GOOGLE AD TIPS THAT MAKE YOU MORE MONEY. A properly implemented PPC campaign is vital for an advertiser to work for their conversions and profits. SEE HERE
Mealmaker <> sobota, 9 października 2021, godzina 0946
Did you know that there are hundreds of sites where you can advertise your website for free? Here's a list of some of them:
Furr <> sobota, 9 października 2021, godzina 1618
You nead Search engine advertising - Google AdWords campaigns from the expert team ONMA scout ? GOOGLE AD TIPS THAT MAKE YOU MORE MONEY. A properly implemented PPC campaign is vital for an advertiser to work for their conversions and profits. SEE HERE
Ledbetter <> czwartek, 21 października 2021, godzina 0444
Hey I have a question, i see a lot of items in a shop that you also sell in your shop, But there items are 46% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the item, so you can see for your self. Well my question is what is the difference between your shop. Is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me! greetings Issac Ledbetter "Sent from my iPhone"
Lovekin <> środa, 27 października 2021, godzina 0520
Want to improve your website's look and feel for free? Check out some of these free wordpress plugins:
Bolick <> sobota, 30 października 2021, godzina 1614
Get free backlinks on sites that Google loves! Here's where you can get them:
Hyam <> środa, 10 listopada 2021, godzina 1331
Who says you have to pay for web traffic? Here are a bunch of high traffic sites that take free ads:
Retzlaff <> niedziela, 21 listopada 2021, godzina 1932
Hi There! We are reaching out to those from the math education space who would be excited to participate in our FREE Virtual Summit coming up on November 13th and 14th, 2021. Not only will you love hearing 25+ influencers from the math education space presenting live over Zoom, but I'm sure your audience and colleagues will stand to benefit as well! Register to save your seat here: Will we see you there? Kyle & Jon PS - Consider sharing this amazing free event with others in the education space!
Mcintyre <> poniedziałek, 22 listopada 2021, godzina 1845
Hi, My name is Tyrell and I recently worked on a website similar to Quick question, Would you be interested in having me generate sales calls with your ideal prospects on a Pay-Per-Call basis? Here is a quick video explaining how I generate hundreds of calls each month for my current clients Best, Tyrell
Dore <> wtorek, 23 listopada 2021, godzina 0805
Automatic ad submitter - get continuous traffic from thousands of ads. Post your site now:
Bracewell <> piątek, 26 listopada 2021, godzina 0333
Is there an actual person I can talk to?
Ditter <> środa, 1 grudnia 2021, godzina 0423
Hi, can you please tell me if you're still offering the $50 discount like I saw on
Crump <> środa, 8 grudnia 2021, godzina 2029
I was wondering if you're looking to get more sales? I can get people to come to your site who have been pre-qualified specifically for your niche and are most likely to buy. See
Nagy <> środa, 9 lutego 2022, godzina 2116
Submit your site to over 35 advertising websites for free now
Glynn <> sobota, 12 lutego 2022, godzina 0408
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Stoll <> środa, 16 lutego 2022, godzina 0701
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Hearon <> poniedziałek, 21 lutego 2022, godzina 1614
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Saul <> wtorek, 22 lutego 2022, godzina 0222
YOU NEED REAL VISITORS FOR: ? We Provide 100% Real Visitors To Your Website. With this traffic, you can boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM... CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=>
Bastow <> poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2022, godzina 1311
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Odriscoll <> sobota, 26 marca 2022, godzina 0018
You are looking for Free Backlinks then you came to the right place. We offering you a free trial to try out our link-building service. This can be used to link out to your website, inner page, google map, video, to any link you want to help power up and get more relevance too. We want to prove to you that our backlinks work and so we’re willing to prove it to you risk-free. Please create an account and then watch the video and submit your order details and let us help you get found online. FREE TEST HERE:
Amy <> niedziela, 27 marca 2022, godzina 1948
Hello, I’ve been an reader of your blog for some time now, and I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis. Recently I’ve been researching an idea for a blog post about human hair wigs – and then I thought that this could be a great contribution for your audience. I’ll make sure the piece overflows with information that can’t be found anywhere else. What do you think? Should I write it up and send you a draft? Here are some topics you maybe interested: [What are the different types of human hair wigs?] [What do I need to know about human hair wigs?] [What is the best human hair wig?] I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best, Newigstyle Team
Mcintyre <> czwartek, 21 kwietnia 2022, godzina 0348
Hello, I hope I’m not bothering you, my name is Tylerl and I see that you own I noticed a few errors on your website that could be causing you to lose some traffic & customers. Do you have 5 minutes to speak about this? Hope to talk soon! Tyler
Lumpkins <> czwartek, 9 czerwca 2022, godzina 1942
Hi buddy! Recently I found your website while reading bunch of websites. After checking, I noticed that you did not monetize you website well. It's okay, I just want to share my method to earn $25 - $30 per hour using simple tricks. If you interested what method I use, you can try check my method here: Hope you start earning money as soon as possible. Have a nice day! Milesia
Newbold <> czwartek, 9 czerwca 2022, godzina 2333
Are you still in business? I used a tool to check your website and saw some major issues. You can check yourself right now for free with
Thomas <> środa, 3 sierpnia 2022, godzina 1355
Hello, gets a fair amount of traffic, have you ever considered automating the process of turning that traffic into new customers? I ask because my area of expertise is helping businesses acquire new customers at a profit without spending money on advertising. Would you be interested in learning more if I could show you how I could get you 15-40 new customers beginning next week without any additional advertising costs or extra effort form you/staff? If you’re the slightest bit curious, just let me know if it sounds like something you’d be interested in having a quick chat about. Best, Ty
Dominique <> poniedziałek, 22 sierpnia 2022, godzina 0538
Hello Are you new to SEO and want to rank #1 on google this upcoming year? Here are 3 SEO strategies that will boost your rankings! #1: Focus on content #2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description #3: Use Google Search Console Subscribe here to learn more of my Secret SEO Tips & Trics Thanks, Wilburn Dominique Please do not reply directly to this email!
Andrew <> piątek, 26 sierpnia 2022, godzina 2306
Excellent. Hi, I'm Martin from MediaPlan. If you have capacity for more Clients/Customers/Patients we can help. Check this 3 minute video and let us know if this suits your Media Plan for business growth. Regards Martin MediaPlan
Horsley <> niedziela, 28 sierpnia 2022, godzina 1103
Bowens <> poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2022, godzina 0308
Horny Shriya called you 2 times. She is online. Click the below link to chat with her. She is very horny now.
Sheahan <> wtorek, 30 sierpnia 2022, godzina 1012
Bice <> wtorek, 30 sierpnia 2022, godzina 1047
Milford <> środa, 31 sierpnia 2022, godzina 0726
Anthony <> niedziela, 11 września 2022, godzina 1255
Hey, Just came across this cyber security company that helps you protect your website from cyber attacks and hackers. Hopefully you can benefit from the info. Check it out and see what you think... Have a Great day! Marcus Anthony
Filler <> sobota, 1 października 2022, godzina 1446
Hi my name is Mike, I noticed that your business is under performing. If you do not take action you will fall behind the competition during this recession. Regards, Mike
Wharton <> czwartek, 6 października 2022, godzina 1931
Hello there, Popup notifications are a fast and efficient way to communicate with your audience, they can help you send real-time updates and reminders that get your audience to regularly engage with your brand. Sales Proof Social allows you to keep in touch with your users by providing timely messages, a preview of suggested products, special offers, Customer activity notifications, and customer reviews. Start for free by clicking on the link below! Best, Dave E: W:
Petrus <> niedziela, 23 października 2022, godzina 1316
Hello. My name is Nick, I am an entrepreneur and creator of the revolutionary software will help your business in writing any content in seconds and attract more customers. Ten years ago I created my first business and for ten years I had the pain of writing content. I was thinking about how to make it possible to write any content in seconds, for advertising, social media posts, emails to friends, business partners, clients, blogs, create engaging content for my videos, respond to customer reviews, write reviews, and write absolutely any content in seconds. Working on this project for several years we have created artificial intelligence software that can do all of the above in seconds. I want to give you free access for seven days to please give me feedback on how much you like what we do. Thank you Nick Founder of Nick AI. My email adress - My Website NICK-AI.CA
Albritton <> wtorek, 25 października 2022, godzina 1107
Did you know that you could use this super powerful All In One tool that makes it fast & super easy to create an IMMEDIATELY profitable online business? this powerful All In One system can help you get profits in less than 24 hours, in a few simple clicks... It gets even better: You can do all this Without Ever Creating Your Own Products, or Websites, and Even if you are a complete beginner​​. Go Here For Immediate Access: Regards
Kavanagh <> sobota, 5 listopada 2022, godzina 1400
Did you know that you can use this very simple All In One system that makes it fast & easy to own an IMMEDIATELY profitable online business? this simple All-In-One business model can help you get results in around 24 hours, in a few clicks... That’s not all: You can do all this Without Ever Creating Your Own Product, or Websites, and Even if you are a complete beginner​​. Learn More Here : Kind regards
Bolen <> czwartek, 10 listopada 2022, godzina 2031
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Hutto <> wtorek, 15 listopada 2022, godzina 0454
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Mason <> wtorek, 15 listopada 2022, godzina 1548
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Batts <> poniedziałek, 26 grudnia 2022, godzina 0636
Good job on the new site! Now go ahead and submit it to our free directory here
Petrus <> czwartek, 29 grudnia 2022, godzina 0347
Hello. My name is Nick, I am an entrepreneur and creator of the revolutionary software will help your business in writing any content in seconds and attract more customers. Ten years ago I created my first business and for ten years I had the pain of writing content. I was thinking about how to make it possible to write any content in seconds, for advertising, social media posts, emails to friends, business partners, clients, blogs, create engaging content for my videos, respond to customer reviews, write reviews, and write absolutely any content in seconds. Working on this project for several years we have created artificial intelligence software that can do all of the above in seconds. I want to give you free access for seven days to please give me feedback on how much you like what we do. Thank you Nick Founder of Nick AI. My email adress - My Website NICK-AI.CA
Lantz <> piątek, 13 stycznia 2023, godzina 1509
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Renard <> środa, 25 stycznia 2023, godzina 0129
Want to test drive this smart Magic Link that makes it super fast & super easy to attract an avalanche of free traffic for your website This smart Magic Link sends thousands of targeted leads, FOR YOU, on autopilot every single day.... Want to learn How To Get Your First 2,000 Buyers for FREE, & Scale Your Business Faster Than Ever? That's how many leads you'd get on your site, within 1 day of starting to use this powerful hack. Your Access Here : Check out how easy it is, how fast you can receive thousands of visitors per day & how you'll be making passive income without touching a a thing. Our business stopped spending so much time & money on paid ads... We let the Magic Link produce sales for us. Now, imagine for a second, never having to run a single ad, ever again, for the rest of your life. That’s what this Magic Link will do for you. Your Access Here: Regards P.S: The creators of this Magic Link consulted with the world’s smartest traffic generation and Direct Response Marketing gurus to teach the tool how to find potential leads, for you. Your business is seriously missing out right now by not using it…
Mobsby <> czwartek, 26 stycznia 2023, godzina 0851
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Adame <> czwartek, 26 stycznia 2023, godzina 2312
Unlock the seceret to a self writing bot that uses Artificial Inteligence and has the power of every search engine behind it. Join this class to teach you what it is all about and how to utilize it in your business! Check out the class here https://CHATGPTRiches.AI
Duckworth <> czwartek, 2 lutego 2023, godzina 1822
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Fassbinder <> niedziela, 5 lutego 2023, godzina 1540
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Christopher <> niedziela, 5 lutego 2023, godzina 1728
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Bradfield <> wtorek, 7 lutego 2023, godzina 1539
Whatever your plans for today were, they just changed. Nine new deals just entered the store. You read right, nine! Clear out your schedule and kick this week off right with tools to effortlessly create apps, produce grade-A video content at scale, and more. ALTI TRADING Expert training and tools to develop smart trading strategies. Lifetime access to ALTI TRADING: Andromo Build iOS and Android apps the easy way. Lifetime access to Andromo: BHuman Generate and share personalized videos with thousands. Lifetime access to BHuman: Dashly Convert high-quality leads with enticing chatbots, pop-ups, and email outreach. Lifetime access to Dashly: Directual Launch no-code apps for web and web3. Lifetime access to Directual: Feederloop Create an incredible customer service experience with instant video chat on your site. Lifetime access to Feederloop: Gravitec Send automated push notifications to skyrocket user engagement. Lifetime access to Gravitec: Pipio Use photorealistic digital actors and voice-over talent to create custom videos. Lifetime access to Pipio: ZeroWork Creator App Build automations then sell them in a dedicated marketplace. Lifetime access to ZeroWork Creator App: Cheers
Hash <> wtorek, 7 lutego 2023, godzina 1617
Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out, thanks Harvey
Marcello <> wtorek, 7 lutego 2023, godzina 2249
Hi, Do you run Social Media Marketing Campaigns or Email Marketing Campaigns for your Business? The 1st and ONLY Autoresponder That Combines REAL Artificial Intelligence WITH The POWER of Email, Text, and Facebook Messenger Marketing Under ONE Central Dashboard - with ZERO Monthly Fees! What's Included: ► Facebook Automation ► Twitter Automation ► Email Marketing Automation ► SMS / Mobile Marketing Automation What else would you need if you can automate your blog / business marketing with Automation ? Either you are running a business or a website - This will be a Lifechanging One Time Deal (No Monthly Payments for Early Adopters). Grab this Deal: (Launch DAY Special Discount Applied) Cheers
Zepps <> środa, 8 lutego 2023, godzina 0304
Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out, thanks Harvey
Cardwell <> środa, 8 lutego 2023, godzina 1650
Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out, thanks Harvey
Brand <> czwartek, 9 lutego 2023, godzina 0034
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Waterhouse <> czwartek, 9 lutego 2023, godzina 2306
Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out, thanks Harvey
Furphy <> piątek, 10 lutego 2023, godzina 1048
Are you tired of constantly paying monthly fees for your domain and hosting services? Well, say goodbye to those costs and hello to unlimited profits with Domain Pro! With the ability to have your own domain and hosting selling platform, add millions of TLDs, and offer top-notch services at your own prices, you can finally cancel those costly monthly subscriptions for good. Plus, with lightning-fast hosting included, you won't have to worry about paying extra for speed. It's time to take control of your online presence and start profiting today! Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity, visit now and join the 98% who have already cancelled their monthly subscriptions.
Lomax <> piątek, 10 lutego 2023, godzina 1859
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Noble <> piątek, 10 lutego 2023, godzina 2024
[PRICE INCREASE ALERT] ChatGPT5 Email Hoster + Lead Generator ...the crazy part of this newly released app is it's ability to not just only kill your present and future expenses but also generate you targeted leads that grow your message, website traffic and conversions all in 60seconds... (Price increase in 4Hours) Hello buddy, I just discovered something really crazy and I felt you should see it too.. It’s the ultimate communication barrier breaker.... for years marketers have struggled with steadily-communication with their audience. Traditional autoresponders like aweber, getresponse and convertkit have made everything worse… from low open rates to emails landing in spam box… and then boom they block your account unjustly or impromptu.. See My Solution Here >>> What if i showed you this newly built Chatgpt-enabled mailer that doesn’t just send unlimited emails to unlimited subscribers for you but it also generate leads to send to for you in less than 60seconds.. It studies your writing pattern, craft human-like emotional driven messages from any voice note or recording and help you send it to yours or self-generated thousands of subscriber in 120 seconds. ► No email delay ► No limit on email send ► No subscriber limit Send text, audio, whatsapp messages and many more… in the push of a button If you have a message you’d like to share with your audience, be it email, text, voicenote or even music snippet… this is the ultimate solution giver + it’s AI enabled, so you can craft your message yourself or you can tell the ultra-telsa AI to craft the message itself from your voice. Click To Secure Your Copy >>> ...Get it right away as it's a limited edition and only open to a 100 customers starting from today..... Cheers Perry M
Smith <> poniedziałek, 13 lutego 2023, godzina 1652
Hello! I came across your website and was impressed by the substantial amount of organic traffic it receives. As an expert in customer acquisition, I have a proven method that helps businesses acquire new customers without any advertising costs. I'm confident that I can deliver 20-40 qualified appointments for you starting from next week through this innovative strategy. If you're interested in growing your business and acquiring new customers, I'd love to share more details with you. And as a bonus, if you simply take a few minutes to hear me out, I'll design a custom 4K logo for your website/brand completely free of charge. This will give your brand a fresh and professional look, enhancing your online presence and attracting even more customers. Mind if I send over more info? Best, Tyler Not interested? Unsubscribe Here.
Kater <> poniedziałek, 13 lutego 2023, godzina 1732
Hey, Are you tired of working on daily schedules? Would you like me to share a coaching that's allowing even me to generated steady income every single week ? You can ignore this email if you are already making atleast $10k a month. A proven Exclusive coaching that help build your own business in just 30 days with Guarantee is really hard to find. If you are interested then you can check this out: Cheers
Stutchbury <> czwartek, 16 lutego 2023, godzina 1658
I have a secret to share with you. Something that has the power to transform your online life and bring you the traffic, followers, and recognition you deserve. Here's the catch. This isn't your average, everyday solution. No boring content ideas or generic advice. I'm offering something unique and innovative that will set you apart from the rest. I have the solution you've been searching for - a combination of content ideas and romance that will take your online life to the next level. You'll have to see it to believe it. Follow the link below to learn more about - The Key to a Better Online Experience. But don't take too long, this opportunity won't last forever.
McLarty <> piątek, 24 marca 2023, godzina 1832
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Deasey <> środa, 5 kwietnia 2023, godzina 1916
This Award Winning Weight Loss Healthy Supplement is also GMP Certified, FDA Approved Non-GMO Diet Supplement, which includes Exotic Earthly Herbs Such As Golden Algae, Dika Nut, Bigarade Orange and Many More. Check it out: Get It Now With 40% Discount!
Gordon <> niedziela, 23 kwietnia 2023, godzina 0324
Are you tired of spending countless hours creating and designing Instagram content? Look no further than Social Studio AI! Our platform allows you to automate your content creation, design, and posting, all with the help of your own personal AI assistant. Join now for free, click here:
Serrano <> środa, 26 kwietnia 2023, godzina 0122
Are you tired of spending countless hours creating and designing Instagram content? Look no further than Social Studio AI! Our platform allows you to automate your content creation, design, and posting, all with the help of your own personal AI assistant. Join now for free, click here:
Arthur <> piątek, 28 kwietnia 2023, godzina 1106
This is your one time opportunity to automate your social media accounts with superior content. Join now start for FREE click here:
Roach <> piątek, 9 czerwca 2023, godzina 2105
Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > So you there Regards Awals
Whipple <> poniedziałek, 19 czerwca 2023, godzina 0746
Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > So you there Regards Awals
Servin <> wtorek, 20 czerwca 2023, godzina 1533
Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > So you there Regards Awals
Contacts <> środa, 26 lipca 2023, godzina 1722
Hi Thank you for the fast delivery to my office. When I received the order. I immediately saw that something was wrong with it, and when I opened it, the item was unfortunately broken. I made a picture so that you can see what I have received. I am a regular customer, and I regularly order from your webshop. Hope we can solve this small problem in a good way. Yours sincerely Lynne Bushell "Sent from my Samsung"
Contacts <> sobota, 29 lipca 2023, godzina 0029
Hello Thank you for the quickly delivery to my home. When I view the item. I immediately saw that something was wrong with it, and when I opened it, the product was unfortunately damaged. I made a photo so that you can see what I mean. I am a regular customer, and I regularly order from your shop. Hope we can solve this small problem in a good way. Greetings Finley Petrie "Sent from my Samsung"
Easterbrook <> poniedziałek, 4 września 2023, godzina 2220
Hi there, Monthly Seo Services - Professional/ Affordable Seo Services Hire the leading seo marketing company and get your website ranked on search engines. Are you looking to rank your website on search engines? Contact us now to get started - Today!
Amy <> wtorek, 24 października 2023, godzina 0933
Hey, I was researching about adult toys this afternoon and stumbled upon your blog – a great collection of high-quality articles. I am reaching out to you because I’d love to contribute a guest post to your blog. I promise to fill the piece with solid points and actionable tips. I contribute regularly to blogs . Here are some topics: [Why do people like to use sex toys?] [How do I introduce my wife to sex toys?] [Sex Bloggers name their favorite Sex Toys] Let me know and I’ll be sending you the draft as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Adutoys Team
Printz <> niedziela, 29 października 2023, godzina 2345
Ever felt life has more to offer? From success to love, from travel protection to personal growth, we provide unique tools to enhance your journey. Expertly handled by our professionals, we guide you in areas like business, relationships, and even academic success. Curious? Explore with us and see life from a new perspective. [Book An Appointment] today. Use Code : LIMITED25 ; Access the offer here:
Phipps <> czwartek, 2 listopada 2023, godzina 0354
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Loughman <> czwartek, 2 listopada 2023, godzina 2016
Ever felt life has more to offer? From success to love, from travel protection to personal growth, we provide unique tools to enhance your journey. Expertly handled by our professionals, we guide you in areas like business, relationships, and even academic success. Curious? Explore with us and see life from a new perspective. [Book An Appointment] today. Use Code : LIMITED25 ; Access the offer here:
Wilba <> wtorek, 5 grudnia 2023, godzina 1203
Hi, I have a ton of leads that want to pay for your products / services. When do you have a second to chat about them? Would you be willing to do a comission on the leads I send over? Please reply with your best phone number so that we can discuss. -Mark W.
Johnson <> wtorek, 19 grudnia 2023, godzina 2301
AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie? BrainBox - The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it. Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc BrainBox handles all of that for you 100% >> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases Use my coupon code: To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard) Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes) Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot. Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ; Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs Proofread your writing without paying anything Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer… Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service . >> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses. PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $14,659.44... This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required >>Click here to secure your access to BrainBox today Sincerely, James
Brown <> sobota, 23 grudnia 2023, godzina 1435
Hello There, We have some opportunities ready and waiting. curious? Just click on the link below to get the ball rolling: Best wishes, Thomas Wilson //Optout// To unsubscribe from our communications going forward, please opt out at
Bur <> sobota, 23 grudnia 2023, godzina 1725
Hey, there! My name is Wil and I have a MASSIVE list of leads that are interested in buying from you. Is this a good place to to send you more information about the leads? Let me know.
Davis <> sobota, 23 grudnia 2023, godzina 2225
Good Day, There are some leads waiting for you. some new leads? Just follow the link below to get the ball rolling: Best wishes, Thomas Thompson //Optout// If you wish to stop receiving from our communications in the future, please opt out at
Reinhardt <> niedziela, 7 stycznia 2024, godzina 1850
NEW "60 Second Side Hustle” Banks A Crazy $61 Per Hour..On Complete Autopilot... Making Me Over $1,300+ Per Day!
Connely <> poniedziałek, 8 stycznia 2024, godzina 0714
This is seriously perfect for you
Gether <> wtorek, 9 stycznia 2024, godzina 2311
7 page static website/ Contact form/ Slider - starts from $80 Unlimited categories/ products/ Slider/ Contact form/ Payment gateway integration/ Ecommerce website - stats from $300 All websites are mobile responsive and SEO friendly. Professional and afforable website design and development Hire our developers at
Cage <> czwartek, 11 stycznia 2024, godzina 1737
I saw something wrong with your Google Map listing, is this a good place to send a report of the issues I found?
Ryan <> piątek, 12 stycznia 2024, godzina 1957
Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?
Stonor <> wtorek, 16 stycznia 2024, godzina 0909
Affordable Website Design with High Quality. Receive a complimentary quote for Free Web Designing, including a 5-page website with Free Flash, Contact Forms, and a basic Logo, all backed by our satisfaction guarantee. Enjoy UNLIMITED revisions for the prototype, Free basic SEO, and adherence to W3C standards. Our Corporate, Business, and Informational website package is priced at $80 and will be completed within 4 days. Trust us to create your online store, with packages starting at $150. Benefit from our development center in Bangalore, offering the highest expertise at the lowest cost. Contact us NOW for more information. We also do Monthly SEO Services at
Hodson <> poniedziałek, 22 stycznia 2024, godzina 1819
Discover How We Make $25/min with GPT Get our Most Profitable AI Apps for Chat-GPT *NEW* AI Apps Bank Us $194/Hour With AI Case Studies: $120 to $5k/Day Revealed *EXPOSED* SECRET Free AI Tools for Profit Make 100% With Resell Rights Included! Fast-Track Your AI Profit in 2024.. in 1 Click! Get the Elite 2024 Tech of The #1 AI Profiteer 100% GUARANTEED you NEVER SAW these AI Tricks in ALL of 2024.. or 5x your money-back! click here so see it thank me later
Bonython <> czwartek, 25 stycznia 2024, godzina 2300
Professional Web Designers - For Hire Need a Website Built For Your Business? Get an Experienced Dedicated Designer From Us. Our website development services can create your dream website. We design engaging and user-friendly websites that improve the customer experience, we work with you to understand your business goals and preferences. From simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions that exceed your expectations. Let us bring your vision to life and enhance your online presence. Talk To Our Software Experts Today Chat With A Live Representative
Wellson <> piątek, 26 stycznia 2024, godzina 1315
Audiobooks is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis… Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive. But I have got good news for you… Meet Vox AI The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any "Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF" into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages… >> Click Here To See The Live Demo: With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc ...Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts… >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation: Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people) Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot. You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire: Step 1: Login - Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users. Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done It is as simple as that. >> Get Lifetime Access Here: With Vox AI, you can… Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track… Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording Choose From 660 Real Human Voices Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us. Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe) No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now): Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people) Fair Warning - Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later Sincerely, John
Cushman <> czwartek, 1 lutego 2024, godzina 2357
If you hire a wordpress developer in your country, they will charge you in two ways 1. Project basis 2. Hourly Basis Project basis - the minimum rate for a ecommerce website starts $1000, But if you hire us, You can save more than 65% Hourly basis - The minimum rate for an experienced Wordpress developer is $15, But you can hire us at $6/ hour I can send the resume/ CV of my developer and the samples of the work done. More details: We also do Best Monthly SEO Services. Individual SEO strategies, tailored from the scratch. Generate more leads, sales & revenue. We help companies rank page #1 and reach their true potential online. We’ll show you exactly what we’ll do, how much it’ll cost, and how we’re going to crush your competitors. Talk Customized SEO Strategy with Our Team Today. -
Fouch <> sobota, 3 lutego 2024, godzina 0830
Can I send you something to help your website use AI?
ali <> sobota, 10 lutego 2024, godzina 0628
Hi, We can swiftly Provide reviews to your business. Our Platinum service guarantees a greater than 90% success rate for Permanent reviews within few hours, with pay per review. Our value proposition is simple: We work directly with sites like Google, Yelp, AVVO, Glassdoor and Indeed, saving you time and energy so you can focus on growing your Business. You only pay us per successfully review. Would you like to learn more about our Platinum service for your Business reviews? Boost your reputation today. Contact us at or WhatsApp at +923127606682.
Neistat <> czwartek, 15 lutego 2024, godzina 0359
Hello, I made a free marketing video for your website, Is this a good place to send it? Reply to To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject.
Benton <> sobota, 17 lutego 2024, godzina 1523
Discover the power of serendipity with our "GAIN Unexpected Romantic Encounters" rite at Guided by the mystique of Dantalion, this rite aligns cosmic forces to bring unexpected romantic opportunities your way, fostering genuine connections for lasting love. Ideal for those seeking love in the most unexpected places, this rite is a harmonious blend of ancient energies designed to open your path to enchanting encounters. As a special offer, use code:limited25 for an exclusive 25% discount on this transformative experience. Embrace the magick of chance and let love find you in the most unexpected moments. Warm regards, [Valeria] - Where Magick Meets Destiny
Beal <> wtorek, 20 lutego 2024, godzina 0852
AI vs. Your Website: A Fight for Survival Click here I will design you a custom Open Chat AI for I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW! Click the link here You can OPT OUT here: https:///
Creech <> czwartek, 22 lutego 2024, godzina 0408
Us Website owners need a money making hobby not just any hobby. i found one that is suitable for specially this year and the next 2024 & 2025. Its BTC and altcoin longs. since ETFs has been approved a multitude of new investors and institutions has entered the Crypto Scene making it an easy task to make money there. the simplest way is to long any coin you see the future in. check it here:
Tyrell <> piątek, 23 lutego 2024, godzina 1623
Experience a comprehensive array of magickal rituals performed by adept practitioners, tailored to fulfill your diverse needs (GET What You need, choose from the wide array of spells at an affordable price) Use Code: LIMITED25 for 25% off
Champion de Crespigny <> wtorek, 27 lutego 2024, godzina 0505
Here are the Business-Boosting Benefits of SEO 1: Brings Organic Search Traffic to your Website 2: Generates Leads Cost-Effectively 3: Increases Brand Awareness 4: Gets You Ahead of the Competition 5: Gets More Foot Falls in your Physical Store Use our Monthly SEO Services for good results:
Pecker <> wtorek, 27 lutego 2024, godzina 2010
(just a couple of days from now) ďťż Working from home is becoming increasingly popular. With your computer and a little training, you could make some bucks from the comfort of your home. And you can speed up the arrival of your initial paycheck. ďťż Click here if you are interested-> If you are one of those eager to start a different stage in their lives and make more bucks while working in your spare time, this job might suit you. With minimal effort and no prior experience, you could gain the same day you apply. ďťż Take advantage of this out - grab this and begin right away. Confirm your interest by clicking the button below, and you can see that the first payment will arrive in as little as a couple of days. Regards, Willson To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject line to
Gee <> sobota, 2 marca 2024, godzina 0016
Please look at our Fiverr Gig -
Sherwood <> niedziela, 3 marca 2024, godzina 2154
Cannabis companies! Raise your ROI by subcontracting your veg and nursery to a trusted partner and professional clone company specializing in Tissue Culture remediation for cannabis genetics. At Exotic Nurseries, we’re dedicated to customer service and providing the healthiest and strongest cannabis genetics on the market. Buy your next round of clones from Exotic Nurseries and experience the difference in starting from fully reinvigorated genetics with cuts from a fully tissue cultured mother every time you plant. Are you a cannabis company who would you like to raise your ROI? Exotic Nurseries is here to offer you the opportunity to save big in the garden by shutting down your veg space for mothers and babies and relying on us to supply your garden with the best starts possible. Schedule custom orders ahead of time or choose from our large selection of inventory of clones, preteens and teens that is rooted and ready to go 24/7. Contact us now! Owners/Operators Jeff 734-223-2418 & Kyle 734-635-7340 Find us on google, and instagram Google link: Instagram link:
Ronalds <> niedziela, 3 marca 2024, godzina 2225
By far, the biggest mistake men make when they want to make a woman wet… Is thinking that LUSTING FOR YOU somehow comes from LIKING you. But nothing could be further from the truth. You see, whether or not a girl ‘likes’ you and approves of you… Has nothing to do with whether or not she wants to wrap her legs around you and draw you deep inside her. In fact… Women are more likely to fantasize about getting bent over and ravaged by a guy they don’t particularly “like” in the traditional sense. Discover how to make her fantasize about getting pounded by you here ==> That’s because LUST and LIKING exist in different areas of her brain… “Liking” is generated in the rational, logical part of the brain… And lust is activated in the deeper, more primal, animal part of the brain… The good news is… That a woman’s primal, animal brain is much more powerful than her logical, reasonable one… And guys who know how to activate it… Have an insane amount of choice with women.. Here’s how to activate the LUST part of her brain <== Watch now When you think about it, we men aren’t that different: I’m sure there’s been a girl you didn’t particularly “like” or connect with… But you wouldn’t hesitate to slide into bed with her and tear her panties off. The main difference between men’s and women’s brains… Is where a man’s primal lust is triggered by a woman’s physical appearance… A woman’s primal lust is triggered by the signals his body language gives off… That’s why carrying yourself a certain way will make a woman squirm in her seat… It’ll make her want to reach down and start touching herself… And she’ll be picturing your face as she crests over… Learn how it’s done in this short, instructional video: Thank me later... -Jordan To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject line and include your domain name to
Pinkham <> piątek, 8 marca 2024, godzina 1719
Pegues <> wtorek, 12 marca 2024, godzina 0903
Struggling to Rank your Website In Google? Imagine your website buried in search results, missing out on valuable leads and potential customers. Propel Your Business to New Heights with Monthly SEO! Top Rankings, Increased Traffic, Business Growth and Profit. Experience the transformation. Rank your website on the first page, attracting targeted traffic, and converting visitors into loyal customers. Introducing Out Monthly SEO - Your Gateway to Online Success! ✅ Tailored Strategies: Our Monthly SEO adapts to your business needs. ✅ Proven Results: Check our success stories for real transformations. ✅ Start Today: Elevate your online presence with a click. Ready to See Your Website Rank? -
Lawton <> czwartek, 21 marca 2024, godzina 1606
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Praed <> piątek, 22 marca 2024, godzina 0416
Content written is not about writting anything on your website. It may harm your website rankings. You need to write the articles strategically considering all SEO and product related analysis in mind. Here we do this work on your behalf to post regular articles to grow your organic traffic and ofcourse the Search engine rankings as well. Subscribe today and see the results yourself in just 1-2 months. Our Content Writing SEO Plan - Once your purchase is confirmed, our executive will get in touch with you related to your website & Product/Services details. Note: You can also contact our Live Chat support available on our website for any questions you might have.
Vaux <> piątek, 29 marca 2024, godzina 1515
Limited Time Offer, Until April 15. 2024! 🏝️ seize the opportunity! Let us help you . click here: Are you interested in starting or scaling a YouTube channel, without having to show your face or becoming a traditional YouTuber? WHEN YOU JOIN TUBE MASTERY 3.0 TODAY WE’LL EVEN THROW ON THE “QUICK START” BONUSES MattPar Step-By-Step Checklist (Value: $97) MattPar ​List Of 239 Example Channels (Value $297) MattPar ​Private Facebook Group (Value: Priceless) MattPar Video Ideas Template (Value: $27) MattPar ​​Script Templates For Video Creation (Value: $297) MattPar ​​Video Creation Assembly Line Template (Value: $997) MattPar YouTube Gear List (Value: $97) MattPar List Of Stock Footage, Music, Photos (Value: $297) MattPar ​​Fair Use Checklist (Value: $497) MattPar ​​Video Optimization Checklist (Value: $979) MattPar ​​List Of Affiliate Programs (Value: $997) MattPar ​​List Of Places To Hire People From (Value: $97) MattPar ​​Script And Job Post Templates For Hiring (Value: $997) MattPar ​​How Much To Pay For Video Creation Cheatsheet (Value: $497) MattPar ​​Recommended Software And Tools (Value: $97) MattPar ​​Personal Brand Secrets (Value: $997) MattPar ​​Doing This From A Phone (Value: $97) MattPar ​​Business And Taxes (Value: $297) MattPar ​​Tube Channel Case Studies (Value: $97) MattPar Tube FAQ Course (Value: $297) MattPar ​​Tube Secrets Course (Value: $97) Let us help you . click here:
Mcpherson <> niedziela, 21 kwietnia 2024, godzina 0605
Can you provide me with a list of your industry certifications or recognitions? Corey, Mcpherson 3127 Ingram Street, Dayton, OH, 45402, United States. 22717447 If you do not wish to receive further emails from us. Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed. If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately.