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Zagranica 200924th Annual EAU Congress 17?21.03.2009 Sztokholm, Szwecja www.eaustockholm2009.org 2009 AUA Annual Meeting 25?30.04.2009 Chicago, Illinois, USA www.aua2009.org 20th Anniversary Congress of ESPU 06?09.05.2009 Amsterdam, Holandia www.espu2009.com 6th Annual Baltic Meeting 05.06.2009 Druskienniki, Litwa www.lud.lt 3rd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine. Venue: Palais des Congres 10?13.07.2009 Paryż, Francja www.icsm2009.org 20th Video Urology World Congress in conjunction with the 18th Malaysian Urological Conference 24?26.07.2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malezja www. videourology2009.com 2nd ISSAM European Congress on the Aging Male 03?05.09.2009 Budapeszt, Węgry www.2.kenes.com/aging/pages/ 61st Annual Congress of the German Society of Urology (DGU) 16?19.09.2009 Drezno, Niemcy www.urologenportal.de 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society 30.09?04.10.2009 San Francisco, CA, USA www.icsoffice.org 30th Congress of the SIU 01?05.11.2009 Szanghaj, Chiny www.siucongress.org Annual Meeting of the Association Française d?Urologie (AFU) 18?21.11.2009 Paryż, Francja www.urofrance.org 2nd European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers (EMUC) 27?29.11.2009 Barcelona, Hiszpania www.emucbarcelona2009.org |