Przegląd Urologiczny 2006/5 (39) wersja do druku | skomentuj ten artykuł | szybkie odnośniki
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Kamica moczowa

2003 Oct; 44 (4): 4754-4781

Ocena zależności pomiędzy poziomem szczawianów w moczu a występowaniem jelitowej bakterii Oxalobacter formigenes u chorych na kamicę szczawianowo-wapniową

Urinary oxalate levels and the enteric bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes in patients with calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Department of Urology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital, 28 Yongon Dong, Jongno Ku, Seoul 110-744, Republic of Korea

W doniesieniu zawarto wyniki prospektywnego badania oceniającego związek pomiędzy kolonizacją przewodu pokarmowego bakterią Oxalobacter formigenes a poziomem szczawianów w moczu u chorych dotkniętych kamicą szczawianowo-wapniową. Analizie poddano 103 chorych w wieku od 21 do 73 lat (średni wiek 47 lat). Ocenie laboratoryjnej poddano próbki moczu i świeżego kału. Ocenę ilościową O. formigenes oparto na systemie PCR z wykorzystaniem egzogennego, konkurencyjnego szablonu DNA. Dodatkowo oceniano objętość wydalanego moczu i poziomy: kreatyniny, szczawianów, magnezu, fosforanów, cytrynianów, kwasu moczowego oraz pH. Drobnoustrój wykryto u 45,6% (n=47) chorych na kamicę szczawianowo-wapniową przy zastosowaniu techniki PCR. U chorych na kamicę z ujemnym testem na obecność Oxalobacter formigenes średni poziom szczawianów w moczu wynosił 0,36 mmoL/24 godz., w porównaniu z 0,29 mmoL/24 godz. u chorych z testem dodatnim (p < 0,05). średnia ilość jednostek formujących kolonie drobnoustrojów przypadających na 1g kału wynosiła 1,1 x 107 u wszystkich badanych. Poziom szczawianów w moczu z dobowej zbiórki znacznie obniżał się wraz ze wzrostem poziomu jednostek formujących kolonie O. formigenes (p = 0,021). Wyniki badania stanowią rzetelną podstawę koncepcji o istotności Oxalobacter formigenes w utrzymaniu homeostazy. Brak obecności bakterii w przewodzie pokarmowym może stać się istotnym czynnikiem ryzyka rozwoju kamicy szczawianowo-wapniowej.

2003 Oct; 44 (4): 467-474

Prospektywna ocena skuteczności selektywnego leczenia i czynników ryzyka wznowy u chorych na nawrotową kamicę szczawianowo-wapniową

Prospective study on the efficacy of a selective treatment and risk factors for relapse in recurrent calcium oxalate stone patients

Department of Urology, University of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Str 25, D-53105 Bonn, Germany.

Do 2-letniego badania włączono 134 chorych poddanych obserwacji co najmniej raz na 6 miesięcy. W zależności od wyników analizy materiału pochodzącego z 24-godzinnej zbiórki moczu oraz danych laboratoryjnych i wywiadu żywieniowego, chorym proponowano indywidualne zlecenia farmakologiczne i dietetyczne. Podczas pełnego okresu obserwacji nawrót kamicy stwierdzono u 57 (43%) chorych. U chorych, u których nie stwierdzono nawrotu kamicy, ustalono, że znamienny spadek skalkulowanego ryzyka rozwoju złogów jest wprost proporcjonalny do znamiennego wzrostu objętości moczu, pH moczu, wydalania potasu i cytrynianów. Chorzy z nawrotem kamicy wykazywali wzrost wydalania szczawianów z moczem. Analiza metodą wieloczynnikowej regresji logistycznej wykazała, że leczenie metodą ESWL oraz mnoga i rozsiana kamica kielichowa w wywiadzie stanowią nie zależne czynniki prognostyczne ryzyka wystąpienia wznowy. Wnioski wypływające z tego ciekawego opracowania wskazują na zrozumienie konieczności zalecania chorym na kamicę szczawianowo-wapniową spożywania odpowiedniej ilości płynów oraz stosowanie adekwatnego leczenia polegającego na alkalizacji moczu. Najważniejszym czynnikiem ryzyka nawrotu kamicy jest wzrost wydalania szczawianów.


Poate <> piątek, 9 listopada 2018, godzina 0208
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Lerner <> środa, 14 listopada 2018, godzina 0346
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Patterson <> poniedziałek, 22 lipca 2019, godzina 0916
Thank you for taking time to read this message.Best regards, Below you will find a short overview of a study based on an analysis of 600,000 search queries, which then calculated the value of various local ranking parameters for each top-100 page. Facts about Google’s Local Ranking Is there at least one keyword in your list of keywords, like “keyword + City (or state)”, that you’d like to rank for? If so, then you’ll find the information below extremely useful! These findings are based on a large-scale research effort on Google’s local ranking algorithm, and highlights the importance of various local SEO ranking factors. But before I go into further detail, let me take a moment to remind you that we are running a 20% Discount Special Offer for all 20-70 DA backlinks. So, let’s briefly answer the question: What is the priority of local SEO investment? Main Factors Impacting Local Ranking 1. Links. While everyone understands that backlinks play a crucial part in local ranking, the lesser-known secret discovered by the study is that they have the strongest correlation to positive ranking. What really matters is how old your links are, target keywords usage and word count of on-page content. All of which helped towards creating positive local rankings. 2. Website factors. Not surprising, but use of the target keywords and the number of words on a page appeared to make a difference. Location pages with a lot of content tend to do better than those with smaller amounts. 3. Citations. While citations are important to establishing authority of a site, interestingly, the study found that citation did little to disrupt a site from its local ranking, especially if the site is already in Google’s Local Pack. This does not mean citation problems shouldn’t be fixed. It just confirms that while foundational in nature, citations do little to improve local rankings. 4. Factors related to Google My Business. The study’s results showed that, while inclusive in and of themselves, having a more complete Google My Business page did result in better local rankings. Given how these factors work, it’s difficult to determine the precise contribution of GMB factors to positive page rankings. However, factors such as verified business ownership, photos and good reviews in your GMB profile all helped with enhancing local rankings. So, what does this mean for your Local SEO Ranking strategy? Well, for starters, you do need to tackle your citation issues ASAP. And, if you are competing in a particularly competitive niche, you need to start acquiring backlinks – high-quality ones! – at the earliest. But more significantly, the results of the study lead us to conclude that Google’s organic Local SEO Ranking algorithm holds a lot more sway on Local Pack ratings than it did prior to its Pigeon upgrades. Let a team of Pros give your site a Local Boost With years of experience on our side, and in-depth knowledge of how Google’s Local SEO Ranking algorithm works, our team of professionals have already helped many of our clients: - get high quality backlinks (you can get the same now with 20% discount)! - enrich their site with top-notch content - get a long list of the citations as a BONUS for any of our backlinks package! And that’s exactly what we’re offering you today! But you need to act NOW to take advantage of our special 20% discount offer, because the window is closing fast. Chris Patterson CEO, Assured SEO & Digital Consultancy
Mitten <> wtorek, 30 lipca 2019, godzina 1933
I just found out that Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi - two people I admire the most when it comes to business, success and impact - are doing a special online training event and with this special link WE can join the training for free! Wow, just wow... This isn’t some random training... I just got the inside scoop that they will be exposing how you can profit from a pretty much “hidden” $355 million dollar a day industry that’s expected to TRIPLE within the next 5 years according to Forbes. So whether you have your own business, want to start one or just want to create more income for you and your family – you’re not going to want to miss this training right from the comfort of your own home... Even better... these guys are all about making an impact on the world and they want to help US do the same thing while WE get paid for it… Tony hasn’t done a training like this in over 10 years – so no way I’m missing it. Use this special link I got and go register now... the spots and chat are limited so make sure to show up early so we can ask them questions at the end... Isn’t it most all of our dreams to make an impact, leave a legacy and generate the type of income that allows us to have control of our time and decisions? That’s exactly what Dean & Tony have mastered like no other and for the first time ever on a training, they’re going to show us how to accomplish all of those same goals. There may never be another chance again in history to see these guys, sharing the secrets they have learned over a combined 62 years of business and impact... If you are ready for your next level then you won't want to miss this. Because if not them now... Then who and when? Use this special link I got and go register now... The spots and chat are limited so make sure to show up early so we can ask Dean and Tony questions at the end... Plus they did an all new “quick pre-event” training you’ll get instant access to once you reserve your spot. See you there
Patterson <> sobota, 25 stycznia 2020, godzina 0501
Thank you for taking time to read this message.Best regards, Below you will find a short overview of a study based on an analysis of 600,000 search queries, which then calculated the value of various local ranking parameters for each top-100 page. Facts about Google’s Local Ranking Is there at least one keyword in your list of keywords, like “keyword + City (or state)”, that you’d like to rank for? If so, then you’ll find the information below extremely useful! These findings are based on a large-scale research effort on Google’s local ranking algorithm, and highlights the importance of various local SEO ranking factors. But before I go into further detail, let me take a moment to remind you that we are running a 20% Discount Special Offer for all 20-70 DA backlinks. So, let’s briefly answer the question: What is the priority of local SEO investment? Main Factors Impacting Local Ranking 1. Links. While everyone understands that backlinks play a crucial part in local ranking, the lesser-known secret discovered by the study is that they have the strongest correlation to positive ranking. What really matters is how old your links are, target keywords usage and word count of on-page content. All of which helped towards creating positive local rankings. 2. Website factors. Not surprising, but use of the target keywords and the number of words on a page appeared to make a difference. Location pages with a lot of content tend to do better than those with smaller amounts. 3. Citations. While citations are important to establishing authority of a site, interestingly, the study found that citation did little to disrupt a site from its local ranking, especially if the site is already in Google’s Local Pack. This does not mean citation problems shouldn’t be fixed. It just confirms that while foundational in nature, citations do little to improve local rankings. 4. Factors related to Google My Business. The study’s results showed that, while inclusive in and of themselves, having a more complete Google My Business page did result in better local rankings. Given how these factors work, it’s difficult to determine the precise contribution of GMB factors to positive page rankings. However, factors such as verified business ownership, photos and good reviews in your GMB profile all helped with enhancing local rankings. So, what does this mean for your Local SEO Ranking strategy? Well, for starters, you do need to tackle your citation issues ASAP. And, if you are competing in a particularly competitive niche, you need to start acquiring backlinks – high-quality ones! – at the earliest. But more significantly, the results of the study lead us to conclude that Google’s organic Local SEO Ranking algorithm holds a lot more sway on Local Pack ratings than it did prior to its Pigeon upgrades. Let a team of Pros give your site a Local Boost With years of experience on our side, and in-depth knowledge of how Google’s Local SEO Ranking algorithm works, our team of professionals have already helped many of our clients: - get high quality backlinks (you can get the same now with 20% discount)! - enrich their site with top-notch content - get a long list of the citations as a BONUS for any of our backlinks package! And that’s exactly what we’re offering you today! But you need to act NOW to take advantage of our special 20% discount offer, because the window is closing fast. Chris Patterson CEO, Assured SEO & Digital Consultancy
Hadley <> sobota, 18 kwietnia 2020, godzina 0956
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Tubbs <> wtorek, 13 grudnia 2022, godzina 0409